Sunday, December 31

Christmas gift to My love

Dear My love,

What can I give you this year that I haven’t given you before? For, I have given you everything within me, my heart, my life, my spirit, my very being; all of these things are yours. What do I have left to give you? I’ve dedicated everything I am to you, and I want to serve you with everything within me.

I could say I will give you this year, but that promise could be broken or forgotten. I could say that I will give you my time, but I know I would often forget that I have given you that and will use it to my own pleasure or want. I could give you my love, but you already possess that to the full. I have searched my whole being for something that I can give you, but I haven’t found a thing that hasn’t been given you to already.

So, this may not seem big in comparison to the other gifts that I have given you, but it is given to you from my heart.

I will give you tomorrow; I will dedicate tomorrow to you, and live tomorrow for you and with you, because you live in me. And when tomorrow ends, I will say the same for the next day, and the next, so that way I am not giving you anything that I know I will forget about, and that I’m just giving you one day at a time. That I hope will mean more to you than if I gave you the whole year ahead of time, than if I gave you my whole life over and over again. Just one day at a time I will dedicate my life to you, one little step at a time I will walk with you.

Just promise me that you will help me, that you will hold my hand when I’m too weak to walk, that you will encourage me when I am fallen and discouraged, that you will help me to be everything that I should be, everyday that I’ve committed to you.

Thank you so much for being my awesome lover and friend, my confidant, my king, my father, thank you for being everything to me.

Much love from your lowly servant and lover


Wednesday, December 20

Yuletide season...where is your cheer?

What I miss this Christmas.

1. Singing practice for caroling with all the people in the South Houston home

2. Everyones foolishness when we were practicing

3. Caroling

4. The jokes and fun we had while caroling

5. Spiked egg nog

6. The old c'mas movies we would watch, like White Christmas

7. Being with my family and friends

8. Livi's cooking

9. Secret Santa

10. A house with internal heating

I have so many memories with you guys in that home, and I miss you all terribly this Christmas season. I hope you guys have the greatest time, and most wonderful Christmas yet!

This, sadly is the first Christmas I'm spending away from any of my family, and also the first Christmas where I'm not part of any singing/caroling team, so I'm feeling very sad and lonely.
Christmas is supposed to be a happy time, an exciting time, a time where your trying to figure out for the whole season who your Secret Santa might be, and what they got you. A time which you spend with your family and close friends. But sadly it doesn't seem to be any of those things for me this year.
No presents wrapped under the tree with my name scrawled on them, no family or close friends to spend it with that are in the home, no caroling and revelry. But I suppose all things change as we grow older.
All that to say, I miss my family, I miss my friends, and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!
As for me, I'm going to get myself a nice bottle of rum, and find a state of complete euphoria to snuggle into this Christmas day.


Here are a few pictures I just came across that might brighten up your Christmas day as well

and here is another pic that I couldn't upload, but I thought was funny, in a weird little way.

Tuesday, November 21

Not so much happening...

Being back in Houston hasn't been so different from when I left, though a lot of people have moved on.
On thursday we went up north to Kevin Tinchers birthday party, it wasn't like a 'party' party, it was just a little get together with the home down here and a few other people as well. It was fun though, we just hung out, ate pizza and talked.
Friday I was going to go out ballooning at Joe's but there was a ton of traffic and the construction was slowing everyone down, and we had left late so I didn't end up going.
Saturday I went out to Joe's and Sunday as well, a lot of the same people still worked there as when I left, and they said they hadn't seen any of us 'bubble girls' in a long time. It was great fun, though I was bored when it slowed down, hopefully this weekend will be better.
Monday was rest day and for the first part of the day I had resigned myself to being bored and doing nothing, as Livi was going out with her sister and everyone else decided they wanted to go up north to play soccer. But then it didn't work out that they could go up north so we all went to the Galleria instead. So I got to go skating, and I saw a bunch of people I knew that still worked there, and just hung out. It was awesome.
Today we went to a play, "A Christmas Carol" it was interesting, I had never seen the movie really so I didn't have anything to judge it by. Just the actor that was playing Ebanezer Scrooge was a black guy, yet when he was 'younger' they were all played by white people. I thought that little bit was interesting. Oh and Ebanezer's 'maid' was actually played by a guy...yeh...weird.
Anyhow, the dishes are calling

Wednesday, November 15

I'm leaving on a jet plane

Today is the day!
Today is the day that I go on a plane!
Today is the day that I go on a plane to the states!
Today is the day that I go on a plane to the states for my visa trip!
Today is the day that I go on a plane to the states for my visa trip and visit my old home!


I know that was just highly annoying, but I just couldn't help myself, because I'm excited about going on a plane. So you will all have to live with it. I love flying, its so fun, and I haven't been in a plane for about 7 years or so, and today, I'm going on one!

This post is incredibly corny, but I just had to do it. I'm just in one of those moods where I'm excited and so I don't really give much thought to what I'm writing so almost everything I write will come out corny, or extremely boring.
But who knows, it could just be the way I am all the time...(pause here to ponder that thought)...umm...yeh, nevermind, I don't think I'm in the mood to make myself feel utterly stupid and corny. So yeh, just delete that thought from your minds.
Love you all! Will be posting about my adventures in the states with ballooning and anything else that happens, and hopefully they won't turn out as corny as this post has.

Monday, November 13

Its going to be their loss...

Have you ever tried booking an airplane ticket online at
Its annoying as hell!
I have been trying for the past couple of hours off and on, and it goes all good and well until you get to purchasing it. Then it comes up with a stupid error saying that the site isn't working and you need to call customer service. And then, to make things even better, the customer service phone number doesn't even work.
I'm annoyed, and am beginning to really dislike Continental. I'm going to try calling again tomorrow, and if it doesn't work, then its their loss, because frankly I'm tired of trying to book a ticket which I need for two days from now, and it not working.
Yes, I know that this post is boring, but I needed to vent my frustrations on something other than my roommates, and since more than half the people that probably visit my blog don't comment, or probably even read my posts anyways, then it shouldn't really matter that this post is boring.
So adios, and good night.

Friday, October 13

Why Me?

I was sitting all happily on my computer, chatting away with a few friends of mine, when Danny (a manager in the home) comes in the room, and graciously informs me that my breakfast day has changed from the usual Sunday, to tomorrow this week, as there's no one else to do it. But since I'm doing it tomorrow I won't have to be doing it on Sunday (what a relief.)
So I'm fine with that, and turn back to resume my chatting, when he tells me that I have to make french toast for breakfast, with orange sauce...
Great, I think, I already really dislike getting up in the morning to make breakfast and I get something hard to do.
I let out a resigned sigh, and he asks if I know how to make orange sauce.
I tell him no, and he then asks if I know how to make lemon sauce and its just like that, just with oranges instead. And once again I let him know that, no, I do not know how to make lemon or orange sauce.
He tells me to ask Kim about it and leaves the room.

So Kim comes in later saying that Danny had asked her to tell me how to make the sauce, and then explains how to make the orange sauce and what to do. I thank her, and she leaves.

11pm comes around and I find and borrow an alarm clock from someone in the home so I can get up on time to make breakfast. I successfully set the alarm clock and hope that I'll be able to get up in the morning, and then I retire.

BRrrrring, rrrring

I slam my hand down on the alarm clock, hoping that that will do the trick in turning it off, it didn't work, the second try did the trick, and I roll over to go back to sleep for a few more minutes.
I wake up 15 minutes later, and look at the clock, seeing that its just 15 after when it was supposed to go off, I stumble out of bed and struggle to get my clothes on, and stumble downstairs to the already lighted kitchen.
My eyes shut automatically when faced with such a bright light, I struggle to open them again, they start hurting so I stand there for a few minutes until I can squint successfully without my eyes giving me pains at such a bright light so early in the morning.
I look at the dining room clock, I have 45 minutes before I have to wake everyone up.
andI start cracking eggs in a bowl and then make some milk for the mixture, put cinnimon in and mix it all up. I get out the pans, and put them on the stove, grab the bread for the french toast, I'm finally just starting to get awake, when suddenly...

I realize the actual time

Its not 6:15 as I had thought it was.
For some reason the clock looked like it said the right time when I got up, but must have been my groggy eyes playing tricks on me.
It was in actuality 3:15 when I stumbled downstairs to make breakfast, and thus was the reason for the light being so terribly bright to my eyes.
With this new revelation, and just checking the clock once more to make sure that my mind isn't playing tricks on me this time, I head back to bed, and reset my clock for 6, and fall blissfully back to sleep.


The door bursts open and Kim comes in the room, saying that is 7:15 and asking me if I was going to do reveille and make breakfast.
I'm awake in a second, just realizing that the alarm didn't go off. I explain myself to Kim and she goes off to wake some people up, while I repeat the procedure in getting myself ready for the day, while trying to figure out why the alarm clock decided to fail me this time, when it had worked so wonderfully earlier that morning.
Then once again I'm struck with the factor that I didn't pull the nobby thing on the top up, and thus is the reason it didn't go off.

I stumble downstairs once again, thinking to myself..."Why me? Of all the people it could have happened to....why did it have to happen to me?"

Friday, October 6

Proof of the Pudding

I have decided to approach and discuss a very opinionated topic that most of my friends know about. I do not want people to misunderstand my post, nor do I want them to think that I actually believe in the theory of evolution, I just have proof that some types of evolution do exist. So I will tell you this story, and let you tell me whether it is true or not.

There was once a girl that when she laughed no sound was heard, except for the deep inhalation of breath she took when she ran out of air.

Slowly the inhalation of air that she would take when she was laughing got louder and throatier, then as time went on, it started sounding different almost every time she laughed.

She did not do it on purpose, for many people would laugh and make fun of her when she laughed that way, but she could not help it.

As time went on, she developed what some people would call, a squeak, when she laughed, instead of the previous throaty inhale.

She tried her best not to laugh that way, but it was hard to make it different, and she just couldn’t seem to change it, no matter how embarrassed she felt when people would call her things like, mouse, or a squeaky clutch, or whatever else they could think of that squeaked.

But to her dismay, the harder she tried to stop it, the worse it became, she couldn’t silence it. It was something that just seemed to happen whenever she laughed, and she just couldn’t help herself.

And so ends my story, and thus proves that things can evolve (or devolve if you wish). It is not something that I’m posting for people to base their evolutionary opinions on, for that is something I don’t believe in, but it is something that slowly evolved into what it is now, a uniquely genuine silent laugh with a squeaky finale.

Friday, September 29

Its coming soon!

I saw this in the news of houston, pretty freaky, and yet another sign of the end.

check it out

Thursday, September 28

I survived!

Wow, I finally have something to post about, but sadly I don’t have the pictures yet, soon though, hopefully soon.

Anyways, I just spent the last two days with a bunch of OCs at a little W.I.P. event that they had. I was part of the photographer/gopher/set-up/clean-up crew; it was pretty interesting, as well as fun.

Yesterday we went to the Papalote (it’s a science museum with a bunch of kewl different things) and we spent basically the whole day there, looking and experiencing different kinds of things.

There was this one exhibit where you get to experience what you’d do if you suddenly lost your sight and where you get to see what it feels like for people who could never see, they explain different things to you, then tell you to go into this pitch black room, where there are a series of obstacles you have to go over, under, around, and through, it was pretty interesting, but it was slightly ruined by someone turning on their watch light to see where they were going.

At another exhibit there was this surface that you lay on, and as you’re laying on it, they raise you up with tons of nails, it was very interesting, and though you think its going to hurt tons, you actually didn’t really feel very much of it at all, because your body evens itself out when laying down, so that you won’t have more weight distributed in one area than another.

Then, for the final experience, we watched someone dissect a real heart…

Ok, ok, it wasn’t a real human heart, it was a pig’s heart, but still, it was real. They said that the pigs heart is most like the humans heart overall, and so they use that for dissecting and showing the different chambers and everything, it was really interesting, and surprisingly, I wasn’t that queasy around it at all. After the lady finished dissecting it, she gave everyone permission to touch it if they wanted to, and surprisingly a few of the OC girls did touch it, I on the other hand, as well as the other team leaders were too sicked out to do so.

After that, the lady took out a cow’s eye to dissect as well, it still had some of the eyelashes attached to it, and it looked rather disgusting. I got sicked out when she began to squish the eye between her fingers, I couldn’t handle that, so I left, leaving the braver ones to see the all the little parts and everything that are inside the eye.

There were other things, we did and saw and experienced at the Papalote, but they weren’t as exciting or fun, or I just don’t want to expend my brainpower telling about them all. So that will have to do.

After that, we all headed over to the Corazones home, where they were hosting the W.I.P. event. It was a very nice property and a really nice place, and everyone was super kewl. I got asked about a dozen or more times from different people that lived there ‘if I was the girl that was going to join their home a while back’ and why I didn’t end up coming, and all that jazz. They were super kewl people though, I gotta admit.

Anyhow, they had a special little dinner for all the OCs where they had to dress up nice, then they had a little dance night for them, with games and live music from the resident band there, P.C.F. interesting name that has no meaning, but I won’t get into that, they were a pretty good band, and it really got the OCs out of themselves. Anyhow, after that they all headed to bed, and the staff stayed up for a couple games of volleyball in the freezing weather outside. I didn’t play, but watched and only lasted outside for maybe 20 minutes, at which time I felt like an ice cube and decided to move myself back inside to my nice warm bed, and computer. Needless to say, I ended up getting to sleep before everyone else, but they did wake me up when they came in from jumping in the pool at 1 or 2 am.

The staff had reveille around 7am this morning, but since I’m not a morning person, I dragged myself out of bed a little bit later. It took 2 cups of coffee to finally wake me up, and even then, it was as if my body had all the energy and my brain was still foggy, but I survived.

We had b’fast at 8:30 or so, but I had to get the classroom ready for inspiration and they class they were to have, so I had b’fast after I did that, then cleaned up from b’fast and after that I joined in the inspiration a little bit, but since my brain was still a bit slow, and my body was just getting started, I just ended up sitting down for most of it. Till the class started that is, then I had to start taking the photos, as up until then, someone else was taking them, but then they had to translate for some non English speakers who were attending.

After all of that, everyone had to go get ready for sports, which lasted from 10:30am to about 1 or 1:30, at which time I took a ton of photos of the sports. Though, actually I wasn’t taking photos all the time, as I had a very limited amount of space on the camera, so I did sit down and just watch for a bit. But then, I got taken away to help the lunch crew clean up a bit before lunch and set up the lunch outside, then served the plates for the OCs, and cleaned up afterwards.

Then, after lunch had to clean it all up, and set up the chairs for the W.I.P. presentation, and skits the OCs prepared. The girls skit was very cute, but took a little bit of time to get to the point of witnessing, but the boys one was surprisingly pretty well done, though of course it lacked in certain areas, it was really cute though.

After that was through, they OCs watched ‘The Wild’ and 6 of us staff members took 15 minute shifts keeping an eye on them, then we were free to pack our stuff up, and go swimming or whatever else we wanted to do.

It was long, it was exhausting, but I have to admit it was fun, and it was nice getting out and meeting a few other people that live in the city. And as soon as I get the photos from it, I will post them.

Oh and I had a nice little surprise waiting for me when we got home, apparently they moved the girls room to another room while I was gone. I knew it was going to happen but I just didn't know when, so now I'm in another room, with no bathroom, sniffle sniffle, but I'll live

Wednesday, September 20

furry things

I have come to the conclusion that fluffy dogs scare me
They may look cute and cuddly, but beware of the monster it turns into behind your back

on a side note, haven't been up to much lately
Turned 19 a couple of weeks ago, yippie!
no pics though, cause we didn't do anything for it
so sad, but now I must be on my way

Saturday, September 2

just not cut out for this

I have come to the inevitable conclusion that I'm just not cut out to be a blogger. My life is too boring to keep up with, and whenever I do have something to post, I'm too lazy to do it, or I just don't have time.
I said almost two weeks ago that I would post pics of my trip to Ixtap in a few days, and I didn't, its taken me this long to post them. I'm just horrid it this. But I still try, that counts for something doesn't it?

This is the day after we went to the beach and got all sunburnt

All dressed up for dancing

Aren't my nephews cute?

Benji looks just like his dad in this picture, well I think so at least.

Such a happy little family

Thursday, August 24


I'm back online!!

But that hasn't been the reason for my silence, just haven't had anything to post, or just too lazy to post anything.
I'll post some pics of my vacation in Ixtapa sometime soon.

Friday, July 7

its the little things...

Sometimes I feel as if there is no point to this life that we live, that there was almost no reason for us being put on this earth besides having tests and trials. It sometimes feels as if we make no difference at all.
I've had a lot of doubts and questions, and they all just surface sometimes, but I know that I should just go to the word for answers.
Don't you feel sometimes that there's no point to it all? That we were just put here to have trials and hardships? That we make almost no difference in the world, or not enough?
Well I was chatting with a friend today, and we were talking about a lot of different things, and he said something that made me really start thinking. He said, sometimes it feels as if we're not making a whole lot of a difference or being able to change the world to where you can actually see the change, but then it came to me.
We might not always see the effects we have on people, we might not even know we effected someone enough to change. Its the little things that really change the world, or one persons life. When you talk to someone, when you witness to them, when you pray with them, you've started a ripple effect, and they in turn have started their own ripple effect on other people. We don't always see the effects of what we do in this life, but we will when we finally get to heaven.
So you can't just think that you make no difference at all, because you do, everytime you talk to someone, remember, your starting a ripple effect.

Wednesday, July 5

change is coming

I've recently been working on a new template for my blog, as this one is getting really boring.
But I've come up with a few problems

1. The template I've found has a few minor problems in the html, which have needed fixing and I've been trying my best to do some patching to it.

2. The template also does not have any links for comments, so I need some help with that, if anyone knows how to do that, please let me know

so let me show you a sneak peak at what it might look like when i get through with it

it will be either like this -->

<--Or like this

Tuesday, June 27

It's HUGE!

I have a new word


go look it up in the dictionary

Saturday, June 24

I feel special, oh so special!

So today was my first day out witnessing/tooling since I've gotten here. Yeh yeh, I know, I've been here for one month and haven't gone out witnessing/tooling? Well, let's just say that I don't get out much and leave it at that.
Ok so I go out with Jason (mexican national that speaks english that I barely understand) and we get dropped off not so far away so we won't get lost, but still in an area with not that many shops or anything.
So we make do with what we have, and go to the first plaza we find, go to a few shops there, and Jason stifles laughs whenever I say something in spanish (he's making fun of me, I know it).
I have limited spanish, and he has limited english, we barely understand each other, and we both have to repeat what we say a few times before the other gets what your saying, so finally we almost get to where we understand each other, after almost a full day of witnessing/tooling.
Anyhow, we finish the plaza, or at least all the stores that don't look busy, or don't look like their stingy, and we move on, down the street, in the direction of home, coming across a few more shops, not everyone said yes, and not everyone said no.
It was fine for a first day out for me, he's been out before, but yeh, not basically by himself (I don't count for much because I don't speak spanish yet, but I will try when I know more).
So we realize that a lot of shops are closing, and or are too busy watching Mexico get beaten by Argentina, so we decide to provision food. He tells me its my turn to do something, I laugh, he trys to convince me, I say I don't speak spanish, and they don't speak english, he rolls his eyes and plunges into the abyss...I mean restaurant.
First one says no, so we go on to another one, they say yes, and give us a little bit of yummy food, we sit there a while, watching the game, then decide to leave, thanking the sweet lady that gave us food.
We decide to try provisioning more food at another place, they say yes, and we sit down, they gave us more yummy food with carne, it was good. We watch the rest of the game, or what we thought was the rest of the game and thank the people and start our trek back home.
We finally get home after getting picked up by a sweet lady, and stopping at the store because she said she was only going to take 10 minutes, she took 20, but we still got a ride basically all the way home, YAY! Ok so we were out for I dunno, 5 hours or so, and put in our stats, and Marcos gives us our 10%, whoo hoo, money! The first since I've gotten here, 12 pesos! I feel special, I really do, and I'm not mocking, its money and if I do this again, it'll add up.

(ok I know this was a boring post, I was bored, and yeh, thought that my first day out witnessing was worth posting about, but I think I've just bored myself to death, and can only imagine what I've done to you, heh, so I'm going now.)

Sunday, June 18

Happy Father's Day!

I'd just like to wish my Dad a happy fathers day.
I know I'm not the best daughter, I wasn't always nice to you, I had my battles and trials about you being the father figure in my life instead of my real Papa, but you did good.
You put up with me, you waited patiently for me to finally come around and see you as something other than the big bad guy all the time(even though I'm sure sometimes you were ready to chortle me). And you taught me many things which I will never forget.

Such as:
How to make fried egg sandwhiches
Practice makes perfect (or pretty close to it)
How to mark my bible
To put God's will first

And many other things, those are just a few that came off the top of my head.
So all this to say, I hope that you have a wonderful day, that you'll see this post sometime, and know that I love you, though I tend to hide it a lot, and that I'll always remember and appreciate that you were there for me probably through the toughest spots of my life.

Monday, June 12

Excitement of the evening

So I was sitting here quietly on my computer when suddenly I hear blood curdling screams coming from somewhere in the house.
Then laughter, so I think to myself, "Somebody probably just scared someone half to death, and thats the cause of the scream."
So that being solved, I continue what I was doing.
Then, more screams, this time they don't sound like someone scared them out of their minds, they sound as if something else scared them out of their minds, and judging from the scuffle I hear going on, its probably not human either.
So I decide to ignore it a while longer, being as I don't want to get caught up in the middle of things. But then curiosity takes the toll on me when I hear a few more screams coming from the kitchen area. So I decide to investigate.
So I creep out of my room...treading causciously so as not to be attacked by whatever they are facing. I reach the entrance to the kitchen, and slowly walk down the steps.
There's a scuffle going on in the kitchen, and it looks like things are getting messy. Kitchen table here, chairs strewn across the floor. Juan running in and out of the kitchen yelling, little Johnny grinning and doing the same thing, and Suzy probably with a broom in her hands. Looked like quite the excitement.
I grin and slowly ask whats the matter. They all just look at me for a second, then Juan gestures to me to go back out.
I look to my right and there behind the safety of the glass door stands all the women, besides Suzy of course (she knows how to take care of her own). And they start telling me to get out of the kitchen as well. I just look at them, and ask them calmly about what's happening.
They tell me its a rat.
A rat in the kitchen? Noo....surely we would have come across it sooner. But if it is indeed one it sure picked a good time to come out of hiding.
I decide to retreat back to my room, don't want some rat running over my room anyways.
Later Terry comes in and tells me breathlessly, "We got it, and it wasn't a rat."
"Really?" I ask him, "So what was it?"
"A Possum."
Great, I wonder, so how did that get in the house. But I kept wondering to myself.
Terry leaves the room a few minutes later, then Juan pokes his head in the room, gesturing me to come see their catch of the day. I avidly shake my head a vicious no. He smiles and leaves, leaving the door open.
Then a minute later he comes back in with, you guessed it, the possum, in a cage though. So I'm safe. Great, now we have a possum for a pet? Don't tell me its true. Do you know how many diseases those animals probably carry? Enough to make start itching.
So they decide against the plan of keeping the possum, or maybe it wasn't a plan after all, they perhaps just wanted to see my reaction about the possibility of it being a pet. Anyways, they take it outside of our property and took it on a long walk.
To where?
I don't know.
What did they do with it?
Same answer

Will post pictures that Terry got with my camera later, I'm too lazy at the moment

Saturday, June 10

Where's my privacy?

So my room has been taken over today by avid world cup viewers during my quiet time.
I guess the saying "no rest for the wicked" holds true. Man did I want a little nap today. But its not gonna be...unless by a miracle the electricty goes out for a while, as it has been doing quite regularly lately. But usually only at night. Oh well.
So I'm subject to dialogue in "espanol" while I try to think, and type this post out. Maybe it will fade in the background soon and I can finally drift off to sleep. But for some reason, it doesn't seem plausible. Maybe later...or maybe I'll just crash somewhere else for a change, while I try to stifle my glares in their direction.
Oh its really no big a deal...I just am kinda tired and love to exagerate things when I'm tired, and annoyed, and just finished cooking for the last couple of hours, so yes, exageration takes its toll on my writing.
I really should stop soon, but theres not much else to do, except try to find some other comfortable place to crash till quiet time ends...which is like in an hour or something.
So I'm off to find a happy place, away from all this world cup business.

Monday, June 5

Why pick that one?

What I don't get is Pinata's.
Parents pick out their childs favorite cartoon character and then fill it with candy so that the child can beat it up till it all falls out. Why does the kid even want to beat his favorite character up? Just because there is candy in it? Hrm...I still don't get it.
Why not pick some character that the kid really hates then have him/her beat it up. Then they will actually have some point other than candy to beat the thing up. Or do they just get some sorta weird pleasure out of seeing their favorite character torn to shreds, just for the little treats inside. Or maybe their favorite character isn't really as special to them as a bit of candy is.
Myself if I was every given the opportunity of beating the crap out of something a pinata, and had the choice of what kind of pinata I wanted to beat up, I wouldn't pick my favorite character, or anything that in any way resembled cute. Maybe an ugly version of my favorite character, but not the one that really looks like it.

This maybe, because it just looks bad, and doesn't even look like the character its supposed to be. I mean look at it, its hideous, I would be happy to beat something like that up because its just discusting looking and doesn't deserve anything else but be beaten up. At least you get something good like candy out of the process of beating it up. Its gotta pay off for something. Right?

But definately not this one, its just too cute, and it definately looks like him. I wouldn't want to beat him up just for some candy, heck I wouldn't even buy the thing, because I wouldn't even need it to beat up. But still, its the thought that counts.

I'm not saying by any means that spongebob is my favorite character, just one that I really like. And it would just be sad to watch it be decimated just for some pieces of candy that I could buy a bag of or get some ugly thing that I wouldn't mind the thought of beating it up.

But also buying a pinata is a waste of money anyways, and instills in children that you should beat something up to get what you want. Now do you want your child thinking like that? No, so save your money and just buy the candy.

Friday, May 26


So I decided not to post the rest of my boring experiences of that week..because I wouldn't want to read them if I were you. That and the fact that I'm too lazy to type them out, as someone told me that post was just too long and detailed. Which it isn't really, and definately not too detailed.
I'll just say the rest of that week went by without a hitch, and I got to see my adorable nephews in Morelia, and I'm happy to be in this new home. An experience, but its kewl nonetheless.

Anyhow, yesterday Susy and I baked a cake, chocolate cake. And we didn't have an icing for it, so we cut it in half, and put homemade strawberry jam in the inside. And then put it back together. But then we didn't have anything to top it with. So we improvised. Thats right, we boiled butter and sugar in a little pot together..then added a bit of cocoa..stirred that in and let it simmer a bit more...till it got to the 'right' consistency...heh...tar. We successfully coated two spoons in the stuff before realizing that it wouldn't work. So then, we added milk and water...not to mention a little rum. It fizzled, it bubbled, it burned. And it ended up tasting really strongly of cocoa and I think had a little burnt taste...but everyone seemed to like it. Then after finding that it wasn't tar any longer, we topped the cake in it. It dribbled down the sides, then we put strawberry's on top as well. It looked yummy. I'd post a picture of we who made it, but sadly the other cook ran when I took out the camera, so all I got a picture of was the cake. Enjoy, it looks sloppy, but it turned out good.

Monday, May 22

Surprise!!! Well I tried didn't I?

Ok so maybe I haven't been so faithful with posting this last week...or so. But I've been busy, I had to pack, I had to work things out about going down to Mexico with my brother and a ton of other things. So yeh, I have been busy. And to top it all off I had to keep it all secret from Terry, as he thought I was coming on the 24th instead of the 21st. So now I'm going to update you on all that I've been up to this last week. Be prepared for a really long post.

Sunday May 14th
Yes yet another ballooning day, and guess what? The last ballooing day I'm going to see for a LONG time if i can help it. And I'm late, not only because I woke up late, but because somebody forgot to wake me up and thus I slept in late. And not to mention I am going to IHOP which was packed when I get there. Lucky me, eh? So yes, I got there, its packed, and there's no place for me to set up my table, so I stand there for about 2 or 3 minutes till I decide to just set up my table in the middle of the place...yes, I'm tired, frustrated, and annoyed that I'm the ONLY person to be going out today. So yes, I get all set up, and people start leaving, it almost gets empty, and then it fills up again. Does that quite a few times in the 4 hours I was there. So anyways, I get through that, and thankfully IHOP has started giving us breakfast again, that is at least something to look forward to.
Ok I get home, and Livi asks me if I wanted to help her out with taking the kids skating, sounds like a plan to me, so I eat my IHOP food then I get all ready to go and we leave. Great fun we had, I got to say goodbye to a bunch of people that worked there, I will miss them, here are a few pics that I took with them.

So we spent basically the rest of the day there at the skating rink, it was fun, I'll miss people, they were kewl, and then we went back home, and had pie and icecream to celebrate Livi's birthday. And then I tackled my packing and drank a bit. Trying to finish off whatever alcohol I had left over, but I ended up just giving it to Livi.

Monday May 15th
I'm tired, went to bed around 3 or 4 the night before. But I'll survive, just sleep on the bus, speaking of bus's Nathan needs to call me, as I need to know what bus to take. His phone's being a turd, it just goes to the answering message. Oh good, he's online, I'll drop him a line, hoping he'll see it and either call me or send a message back. I get neither, for at least another 15 minutes to half an hour. Its trying my patience as the first bus leaves at 12:30 and the next one leaves at 3:30, and I have no clue which one he wants me to go on. Grr....ok good he called. 3:30, ok that sounds like a plan, I'm going to be in Austin by 6:45 or 7ish. It ends up being 7:15. Anyhow, I have a couple more hours at home, so guess what I do? Yes...I sleep, I'm tired, and I haven't had much sleep the last week, so here I am trying to catch up on all the lost sleep I've suffered from. Livi comes in sometime around 12:30
Her: "LANI?!? I thought you were leaving this morning?"
Me: Yes...well things change, and I'm still here, not leaving till 3:30.
Her: Oh...ok, well I guess this mean we can take pictures now! As you were packing till God only knows when last night.
So, I drag myself out of bed, and we take pics...not many as she has Anjie's baby to watch, and it isn't being so quiet. Then Julia calls, they want to come see me, but...just my luck I'm leaving in an hour. So that doesn't work out...sniffle.
2:20 and I'm just leaving to get to the bus station...yes I know I'm late in leaving..and yes it probably is my fault. Oh well, I get there half an hour early, lucky me, there aren't that many people going on the bus, but I have to pay $20 overcharge for an extra suitcase that is also overweight. heh..I guess I just never learned to pack light.
I get on the bus, and the first two things I think are...ok this is it, I'm leaving houston, and oh please don't let any weirdo's sit next to me. Yes I'm safe, no one has sat next to me....yet, great some person just had to sit next to me now, well...its ok I guess as their engrossed in their book and all I want to do is sleep. Wonderful, he's moved to another seat as someone has gotten off the bus. And now I've finally arrived in Austin. am I going to move all these bags from here to inside all by myself? Wonderful....I guess I'll just have to move them one at a time. YES! I've succeeded...and just my luck, Nathan now chooses to come walking through the door. So we load all my stuff in the car and run around and do some errands then stop at subway and get a sub to eat, his treat. Don't I have such a wonderful brother?

Tuesday May 16th
Today was comprised of us traveling back and forth from Austin to San Antonio, because they had a 3 vehicles to move and only 2 drivers...if only I had been able to drive as well, they would have only had to take one trip, but it was ok. We stopped at Cracker Barrel, and had a yummy brunch there. I am a Cracker Barrel virgin no longer. And to tell you the truth...I didn't have any clue as to what Cracker Barrel was until about 3 or 4 months ago, I always just assumed it was some kinda clothing store or carpentry shop or something. But yeh...we learn something new all the time.
So we've finished running around and driving vehicles to San Antonio and we get there in time to attend the after-party of Wordstock. It was fun, I got to see Mari, I was happy about that, as I was afraid I wouldn't be able to see her before I left, and I got to see some other people that I hadn't seen in FOREVER! It was great fun, except everyone was smashed by the time we got there..and the booze was fast running out. But I still had fun, with my two beers.

To be continued....

Tuesday, May 9

The Letter V

It was brilliance when I first read about it, it was brilliance when I finally saw it, and his speach in the beginning to her with all those V's? Absolute Genius! I liked it so much, that I'm posting it here for your viewing.
This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished, as the once vital voice of the verisimilitude now venerates what they once vilified. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose vis-à-vis an introduction, and so it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.
I was awed, compelled, and utterly swept off my feet by the whole movie. It took a little while for me to get used to him speaking through his mask, as you get so used to seeing actors use facial expressions while they're talking, but he pulled it off quite well. His motions, and everything helped bring out the importance of his words in a very, different way.

It held a different aspect of what things could be like in the years to come, especially with America and how it shows it tore itself apart by civil war, I almost think that could happen soon, where with all the tension building up with the illegal mexican immigrants and all. Such thought went into this movie, such foresight.

I saw it almost a week ago, and I'm still mulling over the entire thing. There are probably so many different things put in it that you wouldn't catch them all on your first viewing. It has to be one of the heaviest movies that has come out recently, but thats just my opinion though.

Wednesday, May 3

Gee whiz..where'd I get the emotions from Mom?

My feelings about going to Mexico

I'm happy, scared, reticent, I've dared
I'm estatic, afraid, worrying, I'm frayed
I'm lying, true, joyous, and blue...

I'm scared out of my mind!!
What am I doing???

Thursday, April 27

Its all different now

Well today I went through all of my clothes and got rid of a ton of what I didn't proud of me...very proud. It wasn't easy, heh. Nah, I actually needed to do that anyways as I'm going to be moving soon and need to get my stuff down to suitcase me have extra room once I buy my suitcases. Ok so I did that, and went through my shoes, as well as packaged bananas and froze them, and moved all of Anjies stuff out of our room. Because we have other people moving into our room so that Anjie can have her own room with her offspring.
The other people that are moving into our room just happen to be the boys from downstairs. John, Mike and one told me about this change till this morning. Oh well...guess thats what I get for not having to go to meetings anymore. So we did all of that today, and we are hopefully going to put up a partition so that we girls can have some "privacy" or as much as we possibly can with a sheet hanging between us and the boys.
Things will change they say, but not before I leave. Things happen slowly around here, its good in some ways...bad in others but it becomes a habit, we must break it.
I'm not sure when I'll become used to coming into my room and having to scrounge around for privacy to change....oh wait...that already does happen cause the boys are in here so much already, so I guess it isn't that much of a change afterall.
I will survive!

(I was going to post pictures of the before and after changes...but I never got around to taking them, oh well. If you visit here anytime soon, you'll see for yourself.)

Wednesday, April 26

A Breath before a Scream

Don’t’ scream

Till its too late

And the feeling has dissipated

Don’t breath

Until you’ve screamed

And the echo is gone

Wednesday, April 19

Counting down the days

It almost seemed like I would be here forever.
It really felt like my time here would never come to an end, but all things do, someway or another, in time.
I feel...apprehensive, as to what this next chapter in my life holds. I could almost say I'm scared, but even then, that doesn't feel right. Perhaps I'm just in an emotional state, and they're all just jumbled emotions that I can't figure out.

I did it though, I turned my thirty days in.
"About time!", a million voices in my head shout, but theres always the one in the background that protests.
I was scared, frightened, and still am. Will probably be till I finally get where I am going, but it is done.
I cried.
It was sad, I tried not to, I tried to keep a straight face on, tried to hide the emotions churning inside me, but they all came bursting out and fell down my cheeks as liquid crystals. I didn't want to cry when I was going to hand it in...but I did.
I don't know what I'm doing.
But there's a first for everything right? A first for officially moving to another country. And a first for being scared out of your mind of what situation you will find yourself in in that other country.
I am insane.
I know, its crazy, I'm crazy, everything is crazy, and for what? I don't know, other than what the Lord has told me to do. I guess I'll just have to take it one step at a time, otherwise I'll just end up a complete mess.
I'm terrified.
But here I go...

Friday, April 14

Sisters, sisters...

My dearest sister and I, and now she's just another year, we grow up fast.

Sisters, sisters
There were never such devoted sisters,
Never had to have a chaperone, no sir,
I’m there to keep my eye on her
Caring, sharing
Every little thing that we are wearing
When a certain gentleman arrived from rome
She wore the dress, and I stayed home
All kinds of weather, we stick together
The same in the rain and sun
Two different faces, but in tight places
We think and we act as one
Those who’ve seen us
Know that not a thing could come between us
Many men have tried to split us up, but no one can
Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister
And lord help the sister, who comes between me and my man
(By Irving Berlin, thanks man!)

21 and counting...

So she's one year older, one year wiser, and is now of legal age to drink!

How wonderful! Now she can buy me drinks! Muahaha

Happy birthday Boo!

You know I love you, and miss you terribly!
I hope you have a great one this year, party hard, and have a rockin time!

...I was going to upload a picture, but the thing is taking too long to upload.
Oh well, next time

Thursday, April 6

Is my house too small? YES!!

You know your house must be too small when you find yourself sitting in a bathroom on your computer, so as to not bother the people in your room, or in the rest of the house. As the whole house is full of people, sleeping here or there. Or getting ready for their repose.

This is the position I find myself in, sitting in the bathroom, on a stool in front of the sink. If anyone came in right now, they'd think it was the funniest thing. Either that, or else I'm extremely addicted to my new computer and had to get my nightly fix. Which btw I'm not, but it might look that way to different people.

Now I must go before the door gets knocked on again, and I get asked what the hell that typing is?

His name shall be called Larry....

This is old news, but I thought I'd post it anyways, because I think its funny.

I have a stalker!

There, I've said it, now I will have the whole world* protecting me against you! Muahahaha! I feel powerful. (*when saying that, its not literal, just perhaps my family...not that I need protection from you anyways heh)

Not only has this stalker searched intensively on the Mo site for pictures of me, but also showed up right at the steps of the place I was ballooning at, Joe's Crab Shack. I was...shocked, completely speechless, I didn't know what to say (for once)...and he was in MY seat of the van.

Here I am, very mad that I am left late at a ballooning spot, and hoping to get home soon, as Ricky and Rosie were going to be letting me use their computer,because I wanted to talk to this stalker of mine, but Tim is late with picking me up. I called him, and what did he say? "Um...I'm going to have to do some business before I get you, just be patient I won't be long."

An hour later...he's not there, and I'm starting to begin to get past my annoyedness and get into my pissedoffness.
Aaron, who came to do some extra fundraising during that time, since I was supposed to be home about an hour before, comes up to me and says, "calm down Lani, its going to be all right, believe me your not going to be mad at Tim for long..."

If only I knew, I mean I should have caught it. But no...I didn't, I was so caught up in my pissedoffedness that I didn't catch that subtle hint at something good. I said to him "Oh no, your not going to hear the end of this, I'm not going to speak to him for days." Aaron just silently chuckled and shook his head, knowing what lay in store for me, and was amused because he knew how my emotions would change in a heartbeat towards Tim when I found out what his "business" was.

Finally, he shows up. I get my purse and grumble my way out to the car, not caring who caught my deathly my horror....someone is sitting in MY seat, and I didn't recognize them. I stop, take a double take and noooo.....who else can it be but my very own "Stalker".

There he is, smiling all smug and happy that he caught me by surprise, and sitting in MY seat. I was completely speechless and hardly believed it. I couldn't understand how my home could have worked something out like this behind my back. Who would have known they were capable of something like this? I never did suspect, even though everyone thought I did, and was just playing along. Boy did I have them fooled.

Saturday, April 1

April Fools at Joes

I made a turtle bracelet for a round server at Joe's today, she immediately named it "Billy" and started talking to it, cuddling it, cooing to it and the like. I didn't know what to do except smile and nod my head. It was quite an interesting situation. I mean I thought that she was some kind of normal until she started doing that. And the funny thing was...was I only saw her doing it whenever she was walking right past me. Muttering things like "Let's go Billy!" with enthusiasum. I was amused to say the least.

I was afriad to order food at Joes today, because it was April fools and I wasn't sure what they would do to my food. My stomach started growling really loudly around 3pm and it was too hot outside to walk all the way down to MickyDee's or some other fast food restaurant, so I decided to take the risk. It wasn't as bad as I thought actually, because they did nothing to it...that I know of at least.

Anyways, I didn't see very many pranks pulled on anyone today, except one of the servers asking one of the hostess's to look for some cottage cheese in the fridge that they didn't have. She didn't even know what cottage cheese I told her it looked like lumpy yoghurt. She spent 15 minutes looking for it, until she realized they didn't even have it. Wasn't that funny...but anyways. That was the only thing I recall that was a prank.
So that was my day, as much as I can recall after a long day of latex and screaming children.

(Use latex! It prevents the cause of screaming children!!)

Friday, March 24

Funny quote of the Day

I get funny quotes in my inbox in Gmail, I decided to share one with you

"I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw that my bath toys were a toaster and a radio."
-Joan Rivers -

Tuesday, February 28

look at me I'm invisible

I have been informed, that people don't know how to post comments on my blog, well...I'm not going to explain it. Cause that would just make me look desperate for comments, and I'm not...really I'm not......fine you caught me. I love comments, I really do, but I'm not going to post how you reply to my posts, cause you'll just have to figure it out like I said above.
Anyways, among other things, I have been sunburnt. Dreadfully horrid I know, but its what I get for not putting sunscreen on, on a terribly beautiful day, where you wouldn't really think about getting burnt (that is of course, unless you were canning of course) But silly me, I never think of these things and now I am burnt.
It feels weird, I crinkle my nose and it stings and feels like my skin is being pulled dangerously tight to where its about to rip. I get strange feelings that it could if I keep on trying to wrinkle my nose, but I won't, because it also has an annoying feeling to it. My face feels hot, probably because of the fact that it was cooking in the sun all day yesterday, and its still cooling off.
Anyways, isn't it great being woken up in the morning? Isn't it the most grandest thing when someone beats on the underside of your bed to wake you up? Isn't it so terrible when you wake up in a bad mood because of it? That happened to me, but I shall refrain from using names, and just say that I'm happy now, and have almost forgotten the incident and hope that it doesn't happen again, because worse things will happen than me just simply getting out of bed and growling.
Now that thats over with, on to other things.
I am going to be called, in about 54 seconds to go take the kids, I can just feel it. I cringe, waiting for the inevitable....
I must go

mythos signing out

Thursday, February 23


I have been neglecting my blog.
Because, first of all, I don't have time to post.
And second, because I don't have a computer to use to update regularly.
Explanation enough for all you phantom readers?
I have realized as well, that since I haven't been proclaiming my blog to the world, then I don't get replies to my posts as well, which saddens me.
Maybe its just my pride screaming out, "LOOK AT ME, I'M HERE TOO! ALL FOCUS ON ME!!" But then again, I don't really think so.
My life, has been normal, kids, cooking, cleaning, and most of all ballooning.
I have realized that, I don't have that much of a life to speak of, and the things that happen to me are inconsequential. So I'll refrain from posting about them, unless they are really outstanding.
I also realize that having a blog is a complete waste of time, but everyone loves timewasters don't they?
That is why we have things like Xbox and television. To waste our precious time.
And I have no idea why I even post on here, or consider changing the backround of my blog, cause I'm tired of looking at it. But that doesn't really matter

Mythos signing out

Wednesday, February 1


What if we all had powers like healing, telepathy, and flying, imagine the contests that we would have. The things that we could do. The places we could go, and the things we'd see.
I've always thought it would be kewl to be psychic or have powers like telepathy, and telekenesis. But sadly such powers are only mythical, and do not exist in the real world.
I used to entertain the idea that I was psychic, sometimes I still do when I have moments where I knew exactly what someone was going to say, or how they were going to react to something that happened, but such times are rare. There have been times where I've seen what was going to happen in less than a minute or so, like this time I was standing on the porch of our little double wide (yeh yeh I know, a shame to live in such a thing) enjoying the wind storm, partaking in the wild beauty it was putting forth, and then in my minds eye I saw a tree branch breaking off of a tree not 30 feet away and falling into the exact spot I was standing. Me being the cautious person that I am jumped back a few feet to be sure, and to my surprise the exact thing happened that I saw not a moment before. I was, to say, amazed.
So personally, I do think we all possess such powers as psychic abilities once in a while, but they are for our own good withheld from us on a daily basis.
Things would be too easy if we could just pick something up with our mind, or fly to some faraway place at a whim, or could just read peoples thoughts, not to mention a bit crazy. Healing powers would be nice to possess but the same with that, if we could heal, then we wouldn't have to depend on God so much, and I think for that reason he probably decided not to give us such capabilities. We probably would have by now proclaimed our own selves gods and wouldn't even give him a second thought. To which I'm sure he wouldn't be too happy with.
So I suppose, that it is good in a way that we don't possess such powers. Though it would be nice to be psychic or fly.

Mythos signing out

Monday, January 30


What a way to spend free day, in bed sick with a cold and an ear ache. So sad. If I was well I'd be hanging out with people up north that I haven't seen in ages. But no, I had to get sick after coming back from our trip to Port Isabel and Matamoros. So dreadfully horrid.
It was fun though, got to see people I hadn't seen in a while, while down in Harlington. Got to hear the band jam and hear a new song of Buckles. That was groovy. And we spent thursday at the was cold. Thats probably where I got sick from, but it was still fun. We walked down the beach a long ways, filmed Mike tumbling down the sand dunes, and mooned passing cars.
Besides that..I haven't been doing very much. Besides fundraising, and getting sick, so life is boring as of late.

Mythos signing out

Sunday, January 15

Carnivores and Potatoes

I just realized a while ago, that I have an immense like for meat. Its like its an incessant craving when its around, especially when it is beef or chicken. The other night I went to Golden Coral with my parents and I had not one, but two good steaks. I just don't get fed beef enough at home, I had to stuff myself with it while out. On top of that I had bourbon chicken, plus potatoes.
Potatoes is another like of mine, mashed, wedges, or french fries, all good to me. I gotta have them.
I just realized...that I'm posting about food likes, isn't that just so lame? Blame it on the sugar high I have from eating a piece of ice cream cake.

mythos signing out before she comes up with other lame subjects to blog about

Wednesday, January 11

Reminiscing on the past

So I'm going through old pictures that my mom asked me to go through, pictures of us ballooning when I was 10, when I was 12 etc. Pictures of C'mas shows that we did years ago, and they all bring back such good memories (of course there are a few bad ones mixed in, but I prefer to dwell on happy times).
Isn't it odd that you usually remember only the best times, I don't speak for everybody, cause we all do remember some pretty bad times in our lives, but when you look back on it, it doesn't seem so bad after all and you find that you can laugh about that stupid thing that really pissed you off at that time.
Anyhow, so I'm going through these pictures, and I remember so many times where life seemed so much simpler. Of course, I hadn't really been introduced to the world yet, so maybe that hadn't clouded my viewpoint then. But, still nonetheless, life seemed so much easier. No screaming children--besides the ones I ran into while out ballooning--lots of smiles, laughter, and best of all, I still remember them.
Its amazing how your memory is triggered when you look at pictures. You remember what you were feeling at the time that picture was taken. Remember some of the events of that day. And you remember, that because of all those annoying c'mas shows you did, you probably were made famous in some kids mind for a brief while of time.
Another thing that gets me when I look at pictures is how much people have changed throughout your life. Their personality, their tastes, their looks and sometimes I'm tempted to believe that we really do improve with time...but then I remember that once you hit 40 then things just seem to fall apart, or just plain fall (such as breasts).
When I look back to when these pictures were taken during my life, I actually miss it, miss those times of happiness. The closeness I had with my friends, even though they did get on my nerves sometimes. But I think about it, and I really miss it. I was told so many times that I'd look back on that time in my life and see that it was a blessing, I didn't believe it at the time, but now I do. I see my life now, how much harder it has become to live and make it through each day, and I look back then, and I wish things could be like that again.
Of course, probably after a day or two of reliving life back then, I'd want things back up to date again, you can't live in the past forever, the future has to be formed as well, and dwelling on the past won't help you make it in the now.
I guess the reason my reminiscence is because I'm faced with so many choices right now, and am just afraid to choose. But of course there comes a time in life where you have to make your own decisions (with the Lords help of course) and you can't depend on someone else to make them for you anymore. Yeh, I know its called growing up...I just miss the simplicity of earlier years in my life.
Mythos signing out

Monday, January 9

Ballooning has its moments

So maybe ballooning does have its moments where you just have to laugh at people because of the way they act. The questions they ask, etc.
It cracks me up every time someone asks me if I made the balloons on my stand or not, and even more when I'm standing there making one! The lack of intelligence people show sometimes amazes me, and brightens up my day, proving me to that I'm not that stupid afterall.
This last friday while ballooning at Joe's Crab Shack, I had the hilarious privilige of observing a kid have a conversation with himself. Not only was it a conversation, but it was a heated argument, debate, whatever you'd like to call it. Here I am, trying to pass they time with watching some kind of sports on the Tele and this kid is there arguing with himself. At first I thought he was talking to me, because he was looking straight at me, but no...he was really talking to himself. I heard the word "chicken" come out of his mouth quite a few times, then came to the conclusion that he was calling himself names.
Then, me being me, and didn't want to be rude and stare I turned back to face the TV to see what was on now. The kid still kept yabbering on, arguing with his multi-personalities about squinting. I'd glance over, every now and then, just to make sure that he hadn't tried to invite me into the conversation at all, he hadn't, he was too caught up in his argument with himself to realize that there was anyone else around. I had to stifle the irrepressible urge to burst out in hysterical laughter so many times, the kids was on something, I swear, either that or he just didn't have any friends so decided to make up a few of his own.
A bit later, I glance over and his mother is playing around with the airplane that I made for her skitzo kid and teasing him. She notices that I'm looking her way and tells me "The reason you have kids is to get on their nerves, not so that they can get on yours, remember that. If I never give you another piece of advice, just remember that." Ok, sounds like good advice, I should remember that, get on the kids nerves rather than them getting on mine. But I'm not planning on having kids, so I'll just have to suffice with getting on the nerves of the kids I take care of.
Ok, I'm bored now, signing out

Thursday, January 5

happy times

ok, so I just got back from Mexico today, took a full 24 hours drive to get back here. I didn't sleep at all last night, not due to insomnia but due to watching Dark Angel Series 2 all night long. Worldy, yes I know, but there was nothing else to do, it was either that, or sleep in a very cramped position to which I'd wake up all grumpy like. The trip down was bad enough, but memorable. I finally fell asleep at the border, but then was awakened 20 minutes later to have breakfast, slept most of the way up to Austin, then got a cappuciono and sleep was squelched by that and Sun chips, my all time favorite chips in the whole world.
I partied in Mex city for New Years, was pretty groovy, didn't know even half the people there but still had fun. I hung around people I did know, sat in a corner, talked to people I didn't know, made new friends, played a crazy game where you try to pop a balloon thats stuck out of someones back pocket with your teeth, I lost. Danced and laughed. I had fun. It was a pretty groovy party.
Anyhow, all that is over, and just memories in my mind to which only I am amused by it all. But I'm home, had a great time, miss all the people I met, and I miss Mexico.
It grows on you after a while, my first impression was that is was an ok place, but then after spending two weeks there, anc coming back to the states, I actually liked it. It was a pretty awesome place to be, and I miss it.
This is a drawing I did of my adorable nephew Alex while I was down there, had some time on my hands so pulled up a picture that was taken and drew it, I gave the original to my sister-in-law, so all I have is a digital photo of it, but its all good.
mythos signing out