Saturday, June 24

I feel special, oh so special!

So today was my first day out witnessing/tooling since I've gotten here. Yeh yeh, I know, I've been here for one month and haven't gone out witnessing/tooling? Well, let's just say that I don't get out much and leave it at that.
Ok so I go out with Jason (mexican national that speaks english that I barely understand) and we get dropped off not so far away so we won't get lost, but still in an area with not that many shops or anything.
So we make do with what we have, and go to the first plaza we find, go to a few shops there, and Jason stifles laughs whenever I say something in spanish (he's making fun of me, I know it).
I have limited spanish, and he has limited english, we barely understand each other, and we both have to repeat what we say a few times before the other gets what your saying, so finally we almost get to where we understand each other, after almost a full day of witnessing/tooling.
Anyhow, we finish the plaza, or at least all the stores that don't look busy, or don't look like their stingy, and we move on, down the street, in the direction of home, coming across a few more shops, not everyone said yes, and not everyone said no.
It was fine for a first day out for me, he's been out before, but yeh, not basically by himself (I don't count for much because I don't speak spanish yet, but I will try when I know more).
So we realize that a lot of shops are closing, and or are too busy watching Mexico get beaten by Argentina, so we decide to provision food. He tells me its my turn to do something, I laugh, he trys to convince me, I say I don't speak spanish, and they don't speak english, he rolls his eyes and plunges into the abyss...I mean restaurant.
First one says no, so we go on to another one, they say yes, and give us a little bit of yummy food, we sit there a while, watching the game, then decide to leave, thanking the sweet lady that gave us food.
We decide to try provisioning more food at another place, they say yes, and we sit down, they gave us more yummy food with carne, it was good. We watch the rest of the game, or what we thought was the rest of the game and thank the people and start our trek back home.
We finally get home after getting picked up by a sweet lady, and stopping at the store because she said she was only going to take 10 minutes, she took 20, but we still got a ride basically all the way home, YAY! Ok so we were out for I dunno, 5 hours or so, and put in our stats, and Marcos gives us our 10%, whoo hoo, money! The first since I've gotten here, 12 pesos! I feel special, I really do, and I'm not mocking, its money and if I do this again, it'll add up.

(ok I know this was a boring post, I was bored, and yeh, thought that my first day out witnessing was worth posting about, but I think I've just bored myself to death, and can only imagine what I've done to you, heh, so I'm going now.)


Anonymous said...

haha, omg! Your the one who popped up every so sneakingly into phils webcam while I was talking to him. My... I know Jason, he used to be our spanish teacher. Aheh. Niice blog, I like yer postings..very exciting!

Anonymous said...

yes yes, that was me, i happen to be living with him for now.
nice to know someone still visits my blog