Friday, July 7

its the little things...

Sometimes I feel as if there is no point to this life that we live, that there was almost no reason for us being put on this earth besides having tests and trials. It sometimes feels as if we make no difference at all.
I've had a lot of doubts and questions, and they all just surface sometimes, but I know that I should just go to the word for answers.
Don't you feel sometimes that there's no point to it all? That we were just put here to have trials and hardships? That we make almost no difference in the world, or not enough?
Well I was chatting with a friend today, and we were talking about a lot of different things, and he said something that made me really start thinking. He said, sometimes it feels as if we're not making a whole lot of a difference or being able to change the world to where you can actually see the change, but then it came to me.
We might not always see the effects we have on people, we might not even know we effected someone enough to change. Its the little things that really change the world, or one persons life. When you talk to someone, when you witness to them, when you pray with them, you've started a ripple effect, and they in turn have started their own ripple effect on other people. We don't always see the effects of what we do in this life, but we will when we finally get to heaven.
So you can't just think that you make no difference at all, because you do, everytime you talk to someone, remember, your starting a ripple effect.

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