Monday, December 31

Man I gotta make my resolutions list

I'm sitting here drinking a nice caguama of Tecate beer, and just enjoying myself, after a nice long walk, in which I ended up jumping into the ocean for a little New Years fun.
The story is that I was going to jump over this drainage ditch and get to the other side perfectly fine, but chance had it that I would slip and fall right into the ditch of stinky water (just my luck, right?)
So the only thing to do, other than just continue walking, was to run into the ocean and rinse myself off so at least I could smell a little better.
So I did, it was lovely really, as it wasn't cold today, it was very nice.
Just the water was a bit icy, so my legs froze.
But I'm in one piece...well besides the cut I suffered on my hand and the little damage my new watch suffered because of the incident.

Happy New Year everyone, do something crazy to remember it in the years to come!!!

Tuesday, December 25

Caffeine and Hobbs

You know, to completely contradict the last post, I'd like to say that I'm finally in some kinda holiday spirit.
It seemed that it just happened overnight.
Or perhaps its all the caffeine and liquor thats talking.
Man you gotta love having a Coffee bar in the morning complete with everything from Kahlua, to Bailey's, and to top it all off with a little whip cream.
Oh yeh, I'm on a high.
3 cups of the stuff, it has to be bad for me, but I'm feeling good, so hey, its doing its job.
Well, I hope you're all having good festive activities as well, and you don't drink as much coffee as I am.

Monday, December 24

So this is Christmas

And it doesn't feel a bit like it.
Even though I'm with family...well my sister to be more precise, and surrounded by different people.
It still doesn't feel like Christmas
It's not like the Christmas's before either, where we would practice for months in advance all our dance routines, and carols. No, none of that this year, and I miss it.
Come to think of it, there wasn't much practice for me doing those things last year either...and it didn't feel much like christmas then too.
Sad, but true.
I miss the Christmas stresses, the arguments, the baking, the Christmas Angels, and activities.
I miss being a kid during Christmas, it always held so much more...captivating wonder.
But I didn't mean this post to turn out all soppy, and depressive.
I really do like Christmas, I just wish there was some kinda pill you could take to make it feel more like Christmas, a Christmas Spirit pill, if your not in the spirit, you'll get into it with this.
God loves you, everyone
and Merry Christmas, hope you have a good one!

Sunday, December 2

Just a thought

I was eating Chinese yesterday when a thought dawned on me, so I went and asked the person that I thought would be able to answer it the best.
A little asian guy at the fast food place in the mall where I got my food from.
He didn't answer me, only laughed, handed me my fortune cookies and walked away.
I was quite offended.

But I forgot to tell you the question...

If you get a fortune cookie, and it doesn't have a fortune inside of it...does that mean you are unfortunate?

Just a thought

Sunday, November 18


I have just decided (once again) that Ludwig Van Beethoven was a brilliant man, and I'm not just talking about his music, no, his love letters to his 'immortal beloved'.

"My heart overflows with a longing to tell you so many things -- Oh -- there are moments when I find that speech is quite inadequate."
"Can our love endure without sacrifices, without our demanding everything from one another; -- can you alter the fact that you are not wholly mine, that I am not wholly yours?"
"Your love has made me both the happiest and unhappiest of mortals -At my age I now need stability and regularity in my life - can this coexist with our relationship?"

Exactly how I feel in some aspects, and if you ever get a chance, look them up and read them, absolutely beautiful.

Off the Radar

So I'm falling off the radar, cause I don't have a computer to update with, and I have no time to update either.
On another note, I've chopped off my hair, and pictures will come when I have a good hair day, and I have time to take them.
I miss you all, and I will try to update when I get the chance...which will probably not be for quite a while.

Monday, November 5

Remember, remember

The 5th of November

Sometimes life is cruel, its harsh, its heartless. There are so many things that just aren't within our control, things which you don't choose to happen, but do. Things which you never even thought of happening but they happen anyhow, so many things you just don't plan on.

If you could have just one wish, what would it be?
I know what mine would be, but its selfish, and I want to be selfish with it. But its cruel of me, heartless of me to want something like that, because I can't control it, and if I could it wouldn't be right, it would never feel right with me.

I dream, melancholy at the windowsill
memories I will never tell
our passion in the last night hours,
our tearful goodbyes at down.
Mountains and rivers divide us.
I've given up hope for rain.
Divided - I dream of you today
I even embrace the pain.
Yuan Chen (775-831)

You may think I'm just babbling on about a bunch of nonsense...and you may be right, as I guess its what comes from having a lack of sleep the night before, an insomnia attack and not being able to get to sleep till 4am in the morning.

But I don't care whether you understand what this is about or not, you're not meant to. I'm just rambling on because I need an outlet, somewhere to get it out and for someone...anyone to see and just possibly understand a tiny inkling of what I'm trying to say, without actually saying it.

I think I need a psychic for this type of thing.

If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's yours. If it doesn't, it was never meant to be. We do not possess anything in this world, least of all people.
Allison Willcocks

You always want the things you can't have, and don't appreciate the things that you can.

If something comes to easily to you, you don't appreciate it as much, but if something never comes at all, you want it all the more.

What kind of psyched up psychology is this?

Love makes life so confusing, but without love, would you want to live?

I don't regret anything, I just wish...things could be different. I don't despise what I've been through, I see it as something which will make my life sweeter, as hard as it is. Like a beautiful rose amongst thorny bushes, or a phoenix rising from the ashes more beautiful and stronger than before.
Rebirth, thats what I'm going through.
A new beginning and leaving behind all the old, as hard as it is, as much as I don't want to. As much as I desperately want to hold onto it and not let go, I must.

To live in this world you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and when the time comes to let go, to let go.
~Mary Oliver

You never cling to something so hard as when you're about to let it go. But my feelings about this will never change, they are, I believe, eternal and nothing will every change that.

The only thing that is changing, is that I'm setting myself and all this, free.

Him that I love, I wish to be free...even from me
Ann Morrow Lindbergh

(edit) as I've been chastised, I will post a end note to say that all sayings in italic in this blog post were stolen from said blog (sorry Tina)

Sunday, November 4

Do I Care?

I haven't updated much someone reminded me, but do I really care?
I've been having weird dreams lately, things which I'm hoping will not come true...but weirdly enough dreams have a way of foretelling the future sometimes, but will I disclose what these dreams were about to you?
I haven't really wanted to update this blog much recently, a lot has been happening, yes, not everything is interesting, no, but when something interesting does happen, I just don't feel the need to post about it.
I've got tons of pictures to go through, a lot of which I'm posting to my new photoblog, but not many are of me, as I'm the one behind the camera. I will post here though, so you guys can see me, to know that I haven't fallen off the ends of the earth....yet.
I've been very happy these last couple of months, of course I had quite a few breakdowns, but we won't get into those, and just dwell on the times that I've been happy, which have far outweighed the times that I haven't been happy.
I finished a painting for our living/dining room quite a while ago, which my dear sister posted a picture of on her blog, so I don't have to, my first large painting, and someday I'm going to sell it.
I've been drawing a bit more, but not all the time, experimenting on a larger piece of paper, I don't know what the finished product will look like, hopefully I will be satisfied with it. I'm going to mix media.
I've written a few poems/prose, something which I haven't done in a long time, the inspirations for them are sporadic and usually left unfinished. And I've no intention of finishing any of them, unless the full inspiration comes for it.
I am a lazy bum...unless pushed off my little bum by some incentive or someone pointing out to me the fact that I am one. I must learn to motivate myself and become more personally responsible.
I miss my old friends, but I've learned to make new ones. Things will never be the same for any of us, but I'm sure everything will just get better.

Thursday, October 18

yet another link on the world wide web

So I've finally opened a Photoblog as well...I'm not satisfied with the template or the fact that I can't change it, but its a start...for now at least.

Friday, September 28

Cosas differentes

So I've undertaken a task....a daunting task, but something while I'm determined to finish.

I am going to read a book in Spanish.

Yes, in Spanish.
I've decided that its necessary, for my learning as well as reading comprehension in Spanish to do so. It not easy, believe me, I just finished translating and learning about twenty or so words, and that was only in one paragraph.
Quite sad...I know, but seeing as there were so many words I didn't know in just one paragraph, I'm sure it will help me to learn them. Now using them in everyday speech...thats another matter.

Besides that, I had an exchange class with a friend from another home with Spanish the other day, with her basically correcting all of my mistakes when I said something wrong, and me correcting hers when she said something wrong in English. We understood each other for the most part.

In the book I've started reading, I especially loved this part.

'Revolcarse en el fango no es la mejor manera de limpiarse.'

It sounds so much better than just saying it in English.

I believe I will enjoy reading this llama 'Un Mundo Feliz'

Monday, September 17

Just Hold onto Me

Someone hold me…
Just hold me
No need for words
No questions why
Just hold me
Don’t let go
Until I feel the need to cry
Has vanished
And is no more

If I start to speak
Don’t say a word
Let me express everything
I’ve been holding in for so long
Let me pour it all out
It won’t happen again for a while
Hopefully not this bad
Perhaps I held too much in this time
And the bottle got too heavy to hold
So it fell and cracked open

Just hold me
Don’t let me go
No need for words
No questions why
Just hold me
Don’t let me go
Until I feel the need to cry
Has vanished
And is no more

Can you just listen
Not say anything at all
Caress my head, my arms, my back
And just hold on to me
I need someone to grasp onto
Someone to be here, to love me
Can you do that for me?
You have no idea how much
I need this right now
How much I need to weep

Just hold me
Don’t let me go
No need for words
No questions why
Just hold me
Don’t let me go
Until I feel the need to cry
Has vanished
And is no more

Sunday, September 16

I need

you, or you, or you, or you
I miss you, come back to me

Friday, September 14

And then it hit me...

It’s interesting when you finally come to the realization of something about yourself, no matter how many times somebody else pointed it out to you before; it always has a bigger effect when you, yourself finally realize it.

Such a happening occurred today at the lunch table. Somebody made a reference about some food that I had cooked last night and how ‘disgusting’ it was. They were joking of course, but I, lacking self confidence, had to ask what was really wrong with the food, not giving into the thought that perhaps they were just pulling my leg.

After receiving an assuring answer, only then did I feel relieved and confident that I did something well.

It was as if I needed assurance from someone else to boost my own self confidence.

Then it dawned on me…I do this on a regular basis.

I automatically get in a questioning mode after I’ve completed something, and need assurance and something in which to base myself on to be able to get my confidence back up to par.

In lacking confidence in myself, and having to go to others for reassurance, I show that I’m very insecure in myself.

I lack the self assurance to ‘not give a damn’ about what everybody else thinks. What other people think matters a lot to me, and if someone says something and it doesn’t sit well with me, I’m the type of person that will mull it over, trying to figure out what they could have possibly meant by it, and if it had multiple meanings.

Of course, most of the time people don’t notice this, and so think I’m just the quiet type that just sits in the corner, but usually the reason I’m quiet is because I’m thinking very seriously about what is going on, or why something was said.

But back to my lack of confidence, which really leads up to a lack of acceptance.

I want to be accepted, I feel a ‘need’ to be accepted and pursue any possibility of reassurance I can get that I am in fact accepted.

This could be tracked down to my childhood and early teen years, where I was the outcast. Sure, the people I grew up with and spent all those years with may tend to disagree, but they never saw it from my viewpoint.

It always seemed that I had to work harder, be more than I was in order to be accepted into their little ‘groups’. But I would always make a fool out of myself and expose who I really was to everyone in the end, and I was back at square one, fighting and scrounging for acceptance once again. It was a never ending process, and in some ways, I revert to that over and over again, willing to do almost anything if it means acceptance.

But I think the real problem is not that I was always seeking acceptance from other people, but that I couldn’t accept myself. I compared myself to others constantly and I just couldn’t accept myself for the way I was and get over it.

I always had to try to be like this, or like that, or force myself into someone else’s mold, where I didn’t fit, and I never really allowed myself to discover who I really was.

I never accepted myself, and in not accepting myself, I sought acceptance from others, which tore apart any self confidence I held, which I always had to glean from other people in the end.

I lacked the courage to accept the person I was, to be confident in myself and be able to stand up to any challenges I faced. I would balk and cower if it meant I had to do something in which would require courage and self confidence, even if it was something which I was talented at. I’d feel a ‘need’ to hear someone say that the job I did was ‘well done’, and feel satisfied with myself only after hearing those words.

I couldn’t stand the thought of failing, or making a mistake and then being corrected for it, as then it would mean that I wasn’t ‘good enough’.

I analyzed myself over and over again, criticized myself if I wasn’t doing something right, feeling that I could do it better, but needing reassurance from someone else to give me their opinion as well.

I just lacked acceptance in myself, lacked confidence in the things I would do, which showed I lacked the character of belief in myself and denied myself the ability to define my personality, denying myself the right to grow.

You’ve heard about those people that started working out too early or drinking coffee too early, and so it stunted their growth?

Well I was like those people, in that my personality's and character's growth were stunted. I was trying to force myself to be something I wasn’t, forcing myself into molds that left my character and personality undeveloped.

You may tend to agree, or disagree with what I've just revealed to you about myself, but what really matters to me right now is that I realized it.

And when you have a realization about yourself, then comes the realization also that you have the ability to change, and pursue growth, turning yourself into a better person and allowing you to come closer to the full potential of what you were meant to be.

Saturday, September 1

A new year...a new decade

I’ve been having a lot of thoughts on my mind recently about entering into a new decade…I probably should have started writing this when it was first crossing my mind, but knowing myself I always tend to let the ‘interesting’ things that cross my mind sit too long and then it all comes out a lot less eloquent than when it first entered my thoughts…I need to change that habit…

So I’m going to be turning the ‘big’ twenty in two days, a change for sure, its not like turning 16 or 18, it seems a bit bigger than that in a way, because I’m closing an entire decade of a chapter of my life, and to think that this hasn’t happened for ten years, and won’t happen again for another ten is a big thought. That and ten years ago I wasn’t even thinking of how big a change it was turning ten…I wasn’t looking back at how far I’ve come, weighing all of my choices, decisions, dreams on a scale and contemplating where I’ll be or what I’ll be doing in the next ten years…

Ten years ago I was more interested in the presents I would receive, who would come for my birthday party, how much fun it was going to be opening my presents and playing those silly little games you think are fun when you are ten years of age. It didn’t matter that I was coming into a new decade of my life, that I was no longer in the one digit age, but that my age had two digits in it now, I didn’t look back…I probably looked forward but didn’t think a lot about it, I didn’t wonder where I would be in ten years, or even the next year, I was content to just live each day as it passed by.

But now…it’s weird to think that this is the first decade in which I can look back, and look forward and weigh the choices and their consequences on a scale. It’s the first decade of my life in which I’m old enough to really care about all of that, and thinking that I’m already halfway to forty makes it even harder.

Things have changed a lot in the last ten years, to say the least.

I’ve moved at least seven times, been to two new countries, traveled below the equator, made a lot of new friends…and enemies, well I’m not sure if I have any, but if I do…I hope that we can come to an understanding and work tings out between us.

Some of my close friends have moved far away, had babies and gotten themselves married.

I’ve known what it feels like to lose someone you love dearly and wept about the loss, wishing that my tears would be enough to bring them back to life.

I’ve felt the distinct mark responsibility has on you, and how it feels like to be ‘on my own’. Knowing that ten years ago my decisions were made for me, and in the last four or so I’ve come to where I had to make my own decisions and not depend on anyone else to make them for me, gone through many withdrawals when I started making my own choices and made a lot of mistakes, learned a lot of lessons, and feel a lot ‘wiser’ than I did before because of them.

I’ve wept openly and felt the hurt emotions can have if you depend too much on them. I’ve thought myself to be ‘in love’ many times, but it usually turned out to just be extreme infatuation, or perhaps I’m just in denial about them…

I almost ran off and got myself married a few times…thank God I didn’t…

Been hurt, and hurt others, been sorry and been forgiven and forgave too many times to count.

So many things…in the last ten years, memories, some happy, some sad, some forgotten, some just remembered…but all there still. Everything which has come together to make me what I am today…

So here’s to this new decade, through the good or bad, through the hurt or happiness, may I look back in ten years and be content with everything that may have happened whether good or bad, seeing it as stepping stones, learning processes which continues to hopefully make me into a better person than I was before…

Sunday, August 19

Estoy aqui!!!

I´ve arrived, I´m safe, I´m happy, and I still can´t speak the language!!
There´s a little update and summary for you...

Well I survived the flight, breezed through getting my visa done, and got hassled by customs and every taximan there was...but its all good, as I made it through, and came out better for it.
I´ve been having a bit of trouble understanding the spanish here though, they have a lot of fillers which don´t mean anything, and they speak very weird, in comparison to the mexican spanish that I´m used to.
I haven´t had a chance to take any pictures yet, as I´ve been busy since the moment I stepped out of the plane, with shopping, walking, business and anything else, today was the first day that I was able to sit down and get anything done, like my spanish for example, I was able to do 2 whole lessons. Unfortunately I don´t have a converter for my plug for my computer yet so I haven´t been able to work on that as much as I would like to.
I am determined to learn the language...pray for me!!!
Anyhow I have nothing else to say, I´m a pretty boring person when it comes to posting, and I´d love to get into details of everything that has happened in the past few days, but I think I´d just end up rambling on and on, and you would be sitting there praying that I would finish soon.
So adios, I will leave you to your sanity

(who knew tennis was so hard...I have to get better at it!!! I must!!!)

Wednesday, August 15

Hello, I haven't forgotten about you

So I'm sure many of you have been wondering if I even breathe anymore, as this blog seems to have just up and died a little while ago...minus the last post of lyrics, and the post before that of just a link...and I haven't posted for quite a while about what I'm up to..or where I really am.
Well...I have an excuse...its a famous excuse, everyone uses it a lot, but the difference with me using it and cause its true in my case (ok fine, it could be true in yours as well). But I've been busy, and by busy I mean running-around-like-a-chicken-with-my-head-cut-off, kind of busy. Well...perhaps not to that extreme, but I have been running around.
I've been in Chicago for the last 6 weeks and today is my last day, I leave around 5pm today for the airport to fly the heck out of this country and all the way down to Chile!
Can you see my excitement just oozing off of this page?? Well if you can't...or you don't get the feeling that it is, then your wrong! Cause I'm so psyched to go, and it will be such an awesome experience, I'm jumping up and down for joy inside!
Its kinda weird, because up until a certain point I kinda felt like it wouldn't really was too good to be true, kinda where 'I won't believe it till I see it, or experience it' type of feeling. I kinda was in a daze about this whole entire if you asked me, I would say, 'I'm pretty sure I'm going to Chile', or 'I might be going to Chile'. I don't think I even gave a definite answer for a while there...because I didn't really believe that it would happen myself.
But here I am now, all packed and ready to go, and I'm going to be arriving in Chile tomorrow morning and so ecstatic!
So before I go now, here are some recent pictures that I've taken and also posted a few of on my devart page here which I'll leave for you to pick apart with criticism while I'm traveling.

Saturday, July 28

How I feel, nostalgic and alone

~by Plumb

Dreaming comes so easily

'Cause it's all that I've known

True love is a fairy tale

I'm damaged, so how would I know

I'm scared and I'm alone

I'm ashamed

And I need for you to know

I didn't say all the things that I wanted to say

And you can't take back what you've taken away

'Cause I feel you, I feel you near me

I didn't say all the things that I wanted to say

And you can't take back what you've taken away

'Cause I feel you, I feel you near me

Healing comes so painfully

And it chills to the bone

Will anyone get close to me?

I'm damaged, as I'm sure you know

There's mending for my soul

An ending to this fear

Forgiveness for a man who was stronger

I was just a little girl, but I can't go back

I must go on....

Tuesday, July 24

They just keep getting bigger

This just made me laugh so hard today. I love it!
some are such classics
tell me you don't get a laugh out of at least 1 picture in that set

Wednesday, June 20

1 hour of sleep and a neck ache is all I've gotten so far

Oi, I am never ever, ever, ever, EVER flying with jetBlue airlines again!
As I'm writing this, I am stuck at the airport, enroute to Austin, to visit my family, and I have spent the night by myself, alone, with annoying voices on the loudspeakers ever 10 minutes or so, and with perhaps only 1 hour of sleep.
My connecting flight was cancelled while I was in the air, so when I landed and walked through the doors to the terminal, a stream of dread coarsed through my body when I saw the crowds of people that were looking about as pissed as I was about to be when I found out not a moment later that they had cancelled my next flight, and I would have to rebook for the next available flight heading out that way...which with my luck, wasn't until 1:30pm the next day.
It is 6:30am, and I don't think its necessary to expound on how much I hate mornings, this one no exception, except that I might just dislike this one morning a bit more.
Come 1:30 this afternoon, when my flight finally takes off, I will not have stepped outside of an aircraft or airport in a full 24 hours...and my flight doesn't even arrive in Austin till about 5pm, so by that time I will have spent roughly about 28 hours in various airports and aircrafts.
I had planned to be in Austin today already, spending the day with my family, and taking as many pictures as I could fit on my memory card, but apparently some evil minion interfered with my plans and screwed me over.
Not to mention, that this airline didn't even put people up in hotels for the night, and made them either stay in the terminal (like I and so many other people, with only little airplane pillows and blankets to comfort them), or leave the masses and fight for an available hotel room for the remainder of the night. I mean, what airline has cable tv, leather seats in coach and boasts of the most leg room, but doesn't offer some sort of compensation for the inconvenience that they have caused so many people.
I'll tell you....A SCREWED UP ONE!

Thursday, June 7

In the empty room

I've done it again
I've finished a drawing
I seem to never finish any of my drawings anymore, and if I do, it usually has taken me about 2 years to do or so.
This last drawing that I finished surprisingly only took me a few months to complete...I don't remember exactly when I started it, only that I finished it today, and thats all that really matters to me.
I have many other unfinished drawings sitting in my sketchbook that I have yet to finish, so maybe in the future you will see them posted up here too...but for now they lay unfinished.
Here is my newly completed drawing, for your viewing pleasure

done with HB, 2B, 4B, 6B, and 7B pencils on 65 lb. 9 x 12 paper

Monday, May 7

Just Trust

I think, one of the major things I'm learning right now, is to just trust the Lord for everything.
I have a tendency to worry, and get stressed a lot sometimes, and I really forget to just give it all over to the Lord and let him work things out and trust him.
A few things happened recently that really helped me to see that I really shouldn't try to do things in my own strength.
One being that I had been trying to work something out, and it kept on getting delayed for one reason or another, and I didn't entirely know the reason why, just that I was getting very frustrated. So I finally broke down and asked the Lord why it wasn't working, and he told me that I was missing a piece of the picture, skipping a step in the path that he had for me, and it wasn't working out cause it wasn't his will yet. The next step for me was to go visit my family in Morelia, something which I had decided not to do, because it didn't seem logical.
It was very difficult for me, just trusting him like that, as I didn't know what was going to happen next, I couldn't stay there for very long, and I basically didn't really have a place planned out to go to next, so it really was a test of faith for me. But I went anyways, I was still worrying, still fretting, and I wasn't trusting completely.
But it was really amazing how it all worked out, I got a ride to the bus terminal, bought my ticket, boarded the bus, and the bus left literally right as soon as I got on it.
If it wasn't the Lord's will that I went, I bet it wouldn't have worked out exactly like it did.
The other thing that happened, was that while I was visiting my family, a few people were going up to the states and I was able to get a ride up there with them.
Everything kinda worked out in the end, quite differently than I was planning on before, but worked out nonetheless.
I really learned that I can really trust the Lord for anything, and that he has a plan and will in everything, and often times, when something isn't working out, or keeps on getting delayed, or something to that effect, usually He has something different planned, or you are just missing a stepping stone, and you just need to follow his plan and not your own.

Sunday, April 22

An Anniversary of a New Life

Another year has passed without you here.

I think about you, I wish that you were here with me, but I know that you’re in a better place.

Are you proud of me?

Are you proud of the way that I’ve turned out?

Do you look down on me from Heaven and tell others how proud you are of me and that I turned out good?

Do you wish you could have stayed, been more a part of my life down here?

Or do you now know the master plan behind it all, the reason you were called home at that time, why you couldn’t live a longer life?

I miss you.

Do you miss me?

I miss your bear hugs, your laugh, your smile, the jokes you would say, the stories you would tell.

I miss it all.

8 years have passed…or is it 9?

It seems so long ago that it happened, that we got the phone call, that I spent days crying, that I couldn’t bear to think of you, or hear about you lest the tears start falling once again.

It hurt.

It hurt that you left me at that time, I couldn’t bear it, I wanted you back so bad, that I wanted to die.

I tried to blame myself; I tried to blame others, anything to keep myself from blaming God, because I knew I couldn’t do that.

I cried myself to sleep at night thinking about you.

I asked God to let me hear your voice once again, to hear you sing to me again…I think he might have answered that request.

There are so many things that I feel like you missed out on, that I missed out on by you not being here.

But you are here, though I can’t see you, though I can’t always feel you here, you are here.

I’ve let you go, I want you to know that, it was hard, I cried, and I still think about you, and wish I could spend one more day with you again here on earth.

I wish that you could teach me how to surf like you promised, that you could teach me the tunes to all of your songs so I could finally play them.

I will never forget you, I couldn’t do that, you’ve never fully been replaced in my life, but God sent someone who tried, and did a good job of raising me, hopefully how you would have tried to raise me yourself.

Do you thank God for that now? That I had good training, a good upbringing, even though you weren’t the one to do it?

I thank you for everything that we did together while you were here, and that you’re still there to comfort me from the other side.

Happy Birthday Papa, I hope that you are rocking the Heavens into a whole new dimension today, and for eternity.

And when the time is right, I will see you again.

I love you.

Saturday, April 21

It's all just happenstance

My life has been so hectic lately, one thing happening almost right after another. I have no idea what I'm doing half the time, but in the end it all seems to work out just right, and most of the times better than I even hoped.
Yesterday my sister told me that she was going to another home in Mex City for a day or so, and wanted to work out us seeing each other somehow. Of course, this being Mex City, we're about an hour away from each other, and so I told her it probably wouldn't be possible to work that out, and I left it at that. I had already concluded in my mind that I wouldn't be able to see her while she was here in Mex as things were just a little too busy in my life at the moment.
But then, later on, she popped up on chat asking if the home would let me have some time off if she came over here, or if they would let me go over there to be able to see her, and so I went off to find out if either plan was possible.
I don't know what I've done to deserve such kindness and mercy, but nobody seemed to have any problem at all with me taking off last night, and spending the day with her today.
On top of all that, we were having a bible study here with some of the young people in the area, and so I was able to get a ride to a home close to where my sister was staying, and spend the night there.
To be honest, I couldn't get through on the phone to the home to ask if I could spend the night there or not, so I decided to leap out by faith and just go, begging forgiveness as soon as I entered the door and explaining the entire situation (but I wouldn't recommend anyone else to do what I did...its better to get permission first). They were very understanding though and said it was alright that I stay the night, which I am definitely grateful for.
All in all, I am blessed, I don't deserve even a percentage of what the Lord does for me, but he does it for me anyways, and for that, I am eternally thankful.
But I am beginning to believe that my life is all just happenstance.

Monday, April 16


It seems that I have taken up writing once and on though and in spurts.
For some reason though I can't seem to complete anything that I've started, and if I try, it just doesn't come out right, I guess some part of writers block is still there. As of yet, I haven't started writing songs again though, I keep trying, but nothing comes to me.
Here are a few snippets of things that I've written over the last while.

I've been up, I've been down
I turn around
And your still there


Never though I'd have to say goodbye
And leave all of you behind
But there comes a time for change
In each and every one of our lives

I've said goodbye so many times
Can I say it one more time
Will I face my fears and wear the tears
That come when I move on


When thoughts come screaming out my brain
And emotions I no longer contain
The sun has set upon my grief
Confusion swells with no relief


My thoughts roam freely within your mind
And trespass upon secrets inside


I've got nothing to give
You've got nothing to gain
So why do you do this
And absorb all my pain

I'll give you one reason
Just let me explain
You are everything to me
And worth all the pain

Through all the sorrows and sadness
I might just complain
But you've given me reason
To smile through my pain

So don't cry my darling
Don't cry in the rain
But smile through your tears
And let me bear your pain

Those are just a few of the things that I've written over the last while, not very good, but I guess it takes time to get that writers streak back.
It comes and goes, like the moving wind, or the tides of the ocean, I just can't be the one to decide when I have it or when I don't.

Sunday, April 1

New and Improved Wireless

New stuff on google, they come up with something new all the time, this is by far the best thing I've seen for a while.
Haha, and no I'm not advertising for them...or maybe I am, but its kewl nonetheless, check it out

Friday, March 30

Happenings in My Life

So I got up this morning, bright and early and actually went to the gym to work out. I only did this because there was a driver to take me there, and almost everyone else in the home was My Love has been telling me I need to get up in the morning to work out, as its better for me.

But man, I've been tired the whole day, perhaps I didn't get to bed early enough as I got up at 5:30 this morning rather than the regular 7am reveille. It was a good work out and definately worth it. I think I worked out every part of my legs and ass that I could possibly work out...I don't feel any pain yet though, but who knows when that will kick in, probably tomorrow morning.

Anyhow, we had half prayer day when we got back from the gym, it was nice, very relaxing, very inspiring.

Something else that happened today, was that I was able to hold a broken conversation with a member of my home in spanish today...a breakthrough! haha, it was interesting, I had to ask him what this or that word was in spanish for almost every sentence I made, and a lot of times he would get stumped and I either had to do hand motions, or wrack my brain for another way in which to explain to him the word I wanted translated into spanish was. I must admit though, it was fun, and I didn't realize I knew all that I did till I started actually trying to speak in spanish (yes, I have been trying before, just it didn't flow that well, plus I'm just too shy to just step out and try to speak all the time, or maybe its just my pride getting in the way).

Among other things, I've started learning piano once again, learning to read music and all that. Its been quite fun, and I only started a little over a week ago and I've already almost learned Canon in D completely, there still are some parts that I mess up on, but I'm getting the hang of it. Now just to find more songs to learn on the piano, if anyone reading this blog has any sheet music then please drop me a line in the comment section, because I'm getting kinda desperate for some variety already, heh.

Tuesday, March 20

March 18th, 2007

Dear My Love,
Give me the strength
To live one more day for you
Give me the faith
To do the things that
Seem impossible to do
Give me a heart
To learn how to trust
And give me a life
So I can give what I must.

Tuesday, March 13

Promises for 2007

I was reading the new comp called Promises for 2007, and I came across these quotes that really spoke to me, perhaps they'll speak to you too.

215. Prepare to rise above like never before. Prepare to rise high above the problems and fears that for so long have bogged you down. There will be an explosion of freedom and an infilling of the Holy Spirit that will bring the joy of your salvation back to your hearts.


216. I'm not looking for perfection; I'm looking for love! During this next year there will be times when you fail, things that you will forget, and battles that could have gone better. But you must realize that these are simply obstacles that build spiritual muscle and make you into stronger disciples. All you have to do is try your best to love Me and love your brothers. That's really all there is to it—that love will motivate you to do all that I'm asking of you. Once you've done your best, you can stand back and see Me do the rest.


222. You will not fail, and you will not "flunk the tests" of this year, if you are doing your best to stay close to Me. You will make mistakes, you will still sin and have shortcomings, you will still fall and need to get back up on your feet and try again; but that's not failure. That's training. That's strengthening. That's maturing. That's growing. That will be the fruit of this year: greater skill, more of My strength, deeper maturity, and substantial growth. Don't ever confuse training with failing. As long as you get back up and try again, know that you're in training. Not one of you who want to make it will fail, if you keep on getting back up and trying one time more.


235. My promise to you—each Family member—is that you will come through the next year strengthened and trained in new ways. It doesn't matter if you feel you've been strengthened or not. If you've done the "wenting," the obeying, the clinging and depending on Me—your inner man will be stronger and you will be ready to face the future and the path of destiny I have for My Family.

And while I'm at it, I'd just like to ask for prayer, as I've been really discouraged recently and definately need an extra boost of prayer power. Prophecies are welcome too if you have the burden. Love you all

Thursday, February 22


I am here, yes, here, as opposed to there, where I've been for the last 3 weeks.

If that made any sense to you, then I congratulate you.
Anyhow, I have finally made it to my new home.
After a month and a half of waiting, 3 weeks of that staying with my family, then 3 more weeks with the lovely bunch of Corazoners I am finally in my new home.
Yes, I will miss all of you, it was tougher than it seemed leaving you all yesterday, but it had to be done. I feared if I stayed any longer I wouldn't be welcome back the next time, hah.
In other news, I like it here. The house is awesome! It has layers....many layers and staircases, a great view of the city, a wonderful roof area.
Oh and did I mention the view?
I don't know what it is about the city sometimes, but occasionally I find myself more at peace here in the city, as opposed to being out of the city and in the country.
Can anything be too relaxing for you sometimes? I felt that way when I first got to the Corazones home, I thought it felt too relaxing. But it was good, I enjoyed myself there, had fun and all that. I will be posting the few pictures I have of a few of us girls that went out one night, that was pretty fun.

This last freeday that I had was...well, interesting. I woke up with waaay too much energy on my hands and a desperation to get off of the property and out somewhere. So after much bouncing around and telling people that I needed to get out of the house or else I'd go insane, I finally got Christina to take me to Tepo where we walked around some and got tacos and icecream. It was definately what I needed to relax myself. I was actually able to sit down for more than 5 minutes when I got back home...that was a feat in itself because for the last couple of days before that I had trouble even doing that. Maybe it was because all of the girls ditched me for Acapulco and left me defenseless against all the guys. Boy, was I glad when the girls got back though....
I'll definately miss all of them, a great home it is, but just don't think its for me.

Saturday, February 17

Sworn Enemies

I have officially come to the conclusion that knives and I just don't get along.
This is the third time I've cut myself in the last 2 weeks, and always when I'm least expecting it.
I'm cutting and onion, and wham, I slice my finger up. Lettuce...the same thing except its deeper this time and more annoying.
Then today I was just minding my own business, trying to be a help and wash all the dishes that are in the dish area to get it a bit cleaner and less work for after lunch and again I cut myself.
I'm jinxed....I don't think I should be using knives anymore, cause the next thing that could happen is I accidentally slit my wrists or something...then I'd really be in a pickle.

Lord help me

Friday, February 2

It was good

Well, feastings over, it ended last night.

It was relaxing, I'll say that much, very relaxing and I enjoyed it very much, I didn't get a chance to read everything there was, but what I read was very inspiring. I will be working on the other letters slowly but surely just to make sure I get the most out of them.

The theme of the ending of the feast night 'party' for the girls of the home here was 'crazy/ugly', and the adults it was 'hippie', I don't think there was a theme for the guys... It turned out to be very interesting, very bottle breaking. I had a lot of fun. For drinks we had Margaritas and Pina Coladas, I prefer the margaritas, I'm not so into the coconut taste in the pina coladas. Anyhow, it was fun, for the most part. I had a great time laughing, I don't know about anybody else though. heh...I'll post some pics as soon as I get my hands on them...if thats ever going to happen.

On another note, today I spent the whole day out busking with the people here. Seeing as I had no chance to practice the songs, and didn't know hardly any of the dances to them, I thoroughly embarrassed myself.
I must say it was fun though. I had a good laugh, everyone else had a good laugh and we all got along.
I sold 3 cds all by my little lonesome...ok I had help from the heavenlys, but yeh, I don't speak so much spanish, so that was a feat in itself.
I'm proud of myself, now don't go tearing me down with saying how many cds you can get out, when you speak more spanish than I do.

Ok, I'll be quiet, I'm obviously talking to myself here.

Anyhow, I have no idea what I'm going to be doing tomorrow, but it holds promise for something interesting, I can tell you that much, cause its the Corazones home.

Note to self:
Buy popcorn or some kinda munchies, so I can sit back and enjoy the soap opera that is called 'Life in the Corazones Home'.
(Its really not that bad, I just dubbed it that today, cause I'm so used to living in home with not as many young people and everything.)

Monday, January 29

All things work together for good...

So I have a home to go to for be honest they're starting tonight, but I'll be there in the morning so thats better than nothing.
I have to get up at 4am, be ready to be out the door when the taxi comes to pick me up and I have a bus that leaves at 5:30am so I can get there at 9:30am.
Ok, so I was supposed to be there around 9am...but things don't always work out the way we want them to. I'll be there when I get there.
Pray for me, as yeh, I'm a horrible morning person and I don't know how I'll do waking up that early. Hopefully I'll be able to get a cup of coffee to wake me up and be all chipper and bright when the taximan comes to give me a ride to the bus station.
So yes...that will be my adventure.
Not much excitement to it though....

On a different note, here are those pics I said I'd be putting up a while back...

Parasailing, or whatever you want to call it.

Me looking all funky with my hair frizzing out everywhere

Horseback riding, what fun!

Mel looking lovely as usual

Well, thats all for now folks...

Saturday, January 27

gosh darnit

Well, it seems like I'm not going to be having feast at any home this year, which is...depressing.
I should have planned better
I should have remembered that the feast was sometime before Feb 18th
But I didn't...and now I suffer for it.
Oh well, maybe I'll be able to find some days where I can get my personal feasting time...but it just won't be the same.

Thinking about it made me depressed.
I need a hug.

Tuesday, January 23

It is finished

Isn't that feeling you get when you feel like you've accomplished something, simply wonderful?
I'm proud to say I finally finished a piece of art that I started almost 2 years ago.
I have no idea why it took me this long to complete it, only that I went through many stages of those 2 years where I had no inspiration at all to draw.
But now that I've completed this drawing I feel really good, and actually am hoping to get back into drawing and art more.
See, the thing about me with art, is that the pictures I draw have to inspire me to draw them. They have to have some kind of element in them that just catches my eyes, whether its the pose, the person, or the shadows, it has to capture my attention and keep me enthralled the whole time I'm drawing it.
If it doesn't inspire me, then I simply won't draw it.
Sure, tons of people say I should be an artist for WS, but honestly, I couldn't take that kind of pressure and force myself to draw like that. I draw for fun, I draw when inspired, I don't draw because someone tells me to, when that happens I usually lose all inspiration for a while and its tough for me to get back into the groove, unless of course they have a really good photo which they want me to draw.
Thus said, here is the drawing.

Tuesday, January 16

You're so vain...

So I've been busy of late...busy doing almost next to nothing. Heh, ahhh the wonderful feeling of relaxation, which is swiftly ending and turning into the strain of work again. But I knew it was coming and its not all that bad.
On Friday Mel, Teresa and I decided to put our own busking team together and hit the restaurants downtown and get some personal money for ourselves. We spent roughly around 4 hours practicing and then ran out the door with another amigo Rick which we had dragged along to help us sell cds. For not having practiced so long...and for me not being a super good guitar player, we did quite well for ourselves and had a lot of fun in the process. We met the owner of a hotel, and sang in the restaurant there in the hotel (I completely embarrassed myself when Mel told me to sing a song basically by myself when she and Rick went to the tables to sell was horrible) But its all good, the owner invited us to sit and chat for a while and taste some shrimp with a cheese sauce that was cooked in was good, the cheese sauce that is, they served little pieces of bread to dip into the sauce as well, so I didn't have to try to stomach the shrimp. (I really don't like seafood as you can tell.)
Saturday we were going to go out the whole day singing, but then decided to go out to see these parasailers (I think thats what they are called, I'll post pictures of them so if you know better then please correct me) and go horseback riding. It was kewl, took pics and all that good stuff, and we went singing later as well.
Sunday...well we were going to get up early to go singing, we told ourselves we would, we tried to drag ourselves out of bed to catch that morning crowd...but we were just too tired as we had watched a movie the night before, I guess that wasn't such a good idea, but it was fine. So I haven't a clue what we ended up doing that day anyways...
Yesterday was my official WnR, and I spend the whole day doing nothing...well, I was vain for a while and got a girl to take some pics of me, but I won't be posting them as that will just be adding to my vanity. I've been really vain of late though, argg...I must stop it, its getting to be really bad, pretty soon you will see me posing every time a camera is around if I don't stop it now. I think I should just go back to my get-that-camera-away-from-me stage and be happy. Pray for me.
Today I was supposed to go out almost the whole day witnessing, but ended up staying home in the morning doing almost nothing, and then doing lunch dishes and going out to see some land that they were looking at for a new house. I did end up going out witnessing later and didn't do so bad. It was pretty fun, I had a debate with a guy here about how to say 'llama', he says it one way, and I say it the other...I don't know exactly who won in the end...but I will prevail!
Thats all for now folks, I will post pics as soon as the internet desires to start working regularly once again, as it seems to just love to disconnect everytime I try to add pics to this post.

Friday, January 12


I'm officially starting my 'vacations' today. I'm visiting my family in Morelia for about 3 weeks and then after that I'm off to who knows where for a couple of weeks until the home I'm going to be moving to gets back from having their vacations in Cancun...what bums.
But its all good, my parents are here, Mel is visiting, but she's leaving in a couple of days, and then my bro is also leaving in a couple of days to do a job in the states, but I'll have fun anyways.
My nephews have grown sooo much, they're so adorable. And Ali is so beautiful with her pregnant belly, she's going to have a little girl. Its going to be soooooo cute.
Anyhow I'm starting my lazy day out right, right on the computer, so I'm going now to find some grub to eat.

Monday, January 8

celebs and me

I was browsing my sisters blog when I came across this nifty little celeb lookalike generator. I decided to be a copycat and post my results. I tried out a few different pics to see how many people I did really resemble. Only a few of the celebs showed up a second and third time.

The first pic I tried.

The second

And the third

Tuesday, January 2

Another year with you

Dear My Love,

Here I am, I’ve made it in another year of service for you, I’ve overcome the obstacles and trials and hurdles and I’m still here. Of course, all of that I couldn’t have possibly done without you, My love. For you’ve always been there for me, you’ve lifted me up when I’ve fallen, you’ve encouraged me when I had no hope, you’ve cried with me when I had the need to cry, and you’ve laughed with me when there was joy in my heart.

I know I couldn’t have made it without you there every step of the way. I know that I had trouble making it sometimes and that you had to carry me a lot, but I’m still here, and that’s all that should matter.

You are my only hope, you are my only love, you are the only reason that I’m still here in this family serving you and living for you. I have nothing else that I can say that I’m here for, except you.

I’ve had plenty of opportunity and temptations to leave this family, but I decided to stick it out for a little longer, to give it one more chance, and you have given me many chances and lifted me out of the depths so many times that I cannot repay you at all, except to give my life for you like you have done for me.

I don’t know what this next year brings, I don’t know what I will be doing or where I’ll be a year from now, but you know, you know the many choices I have to make and the different paths I have to walk down in order to be in your perfect will.

I hope that in a year from now, I will be exactly where you want me to be, I hope that I will be able to make it in another year for you, and that I’ll be writing you another letter like this to you in a year from now. I know I can’t do it on my own, but you have the faith needed for me to make it when I have none, you have the will and desire to keep me going when I can’t possibly go on any longer in my own strength, you can help me to make it in another year of service for you.

I am nothing; I have nothing to offer you except myself, except that I will commit to serving you one day at a time, which is all I have to offer you. So please accept that, accept that I am willing to commit to at least trying this next year to stay in committed service to you. Accept that I want to be willing, I want to be where you want me to be, accept that I may stumble and fall, accept that I might not have the strength to get back up again, accept that I want to be your bride, your humble servant, that I want to be here in a year from now dedicating my life to you once again. Accept all that from your lowly servant and lover, and I know that I will be able to make it with you.

You’re all I have, all that I should be wanting, so make me want you more than anything else this coming year, make me forget about all the worldly temptations of the flesh, make me desire you above all that I might serve you to the full. Make me a better vessel for your service.

Your lowly servant and bride,
