Saturday, June 10

Where's my privacy?

So my room has been taken over today by avid world cup viewers during my quiet time.
I guess the saying "no rest for the wicked" holds true. Man did I want a little nap today. But its not gonna be...unless by a miracle the electricty goes out for a while, as it has been doing quite regularly lately. But usually only at night. Oh well.
So I'm subject to dialogue in "espanol" while I try to think, and type this post out. Maybe it will fade in the background soon and I can finally drift off to sleep. But for some reason, it doesn't seem plausible. Maybe later...or maybe I'll just crash somewhere else for a change, while I try to stifle my glares in their direction.
Oh its really no big a deal...I just am kinda tired and love to exagerate things when I'm tired, and annoyed, and just finished cooking for the last couple of hours, so yes, exageration takes its toll on my writing.
I really should stop soon, but theres not much else to do, except try to find some other comfortable place to crash till quiet time ends...which is like in an hour or something.
So I'm off to find a happy place, away from all this world cup business.

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