Monday, November 13

Its going to be their loss...

Have you ever tried booking an airplane ticket online at
Its annoying as hell!
I have been trying for the past couple of hours off and on, and it goes all good and well until you get to purchasing it. Then it comes up with a stupid error saying that the site isn't working and you need to call customer service. And then, to make things even better, the customer service phone number doesn't even work.
I'm annoyed, and am beginning to really dislike Continental. I'm going to try calling again tomorrow, and if it doesn't work, then its their loss, because frankly I'm tired of trying to book a ticket which I need for two days from now, and it not working.
Yes, I know that this post is boring, but I needed to vent my frustrations on something other than my roommates, and since more than half the people that probably visit my blog don't comment, or probably even read my posts anyways, then it shouldn't really matter that this post is boring.
So adios, and good night.


Anonymous said...

Ha, I couldn't figure out how to post snide comments. But I figured it out! You should make it easier.
Um... where exactly are you going, young lady?


Anonymous said...

I'm going to Houston for two weeks for my visa trip. Hopefully I'll get a ride back down here, or find some traveling partner for a bus, so I don't have to go through the stupid hassel with booking a ticket on Continental anytime soon. I love planes, but the booking process was just annoying.

Anonymous said...

Any way you can somehow snag a ride out to Cali so we can be together for the holidays (Thanksgiving, and hey, if you decide to stay, then we can be together for Christmas)? Would be cool, no?

Anonymous said...

yeh that would be awesome, I'd love that, but I doubt anyones going over there from here anytime soon, and I'm not sure if my home would agree with that very much. But its a grand idea, I'd love it to happen!

Anonymous said...

Try , its a pretty simple site. Hey good luck with the visa trip! I finally get to see your blog.