Sunday, August 19

Estoy aqui!!!

I´ve arrived, I´m safe, I´m happy, and I still can´t speak the language!!
There´s a little update and summary for you...

Well I survived the flight, breezed through getting my visa done, and got hassled by customs and every taximan there was...but its all good, as I made it through, and came out better for it.
I´ve been having a bit of trouble understanding the spanish here though, they have a lot of fillers which don´t mean anything, and they speak very weird, in comparison to the mexican spanish that I´m used to.
I haven´t had a chance to take any pictures yet, as I´ve been busy since the moment I stepped out of the plane, with shopping, walking, business and anything else, today was the first day that I was able to sit down and get anything done, like my spanish for example, I was able to do 2 whole lessons. Unfortunately I don´t have a converter for my plug for my computer yet so I haven´t been able to work on that as much as I would like to.
I am determined to learn the language...pray for me!!!
Anyhow I have nothing else to say, I´m a pretty boring person when it comes to posting, and I´d love to get into details of everything that has happened in the past few days, but I think I´d just end up rambling on and on, and you would be sitting there praying that I would finish soon.
So adios, I will leave you to your sanity

(who knew tennis was so hard...I have to get better at it!!! I must!!!)

Wednesday, August 15

Hello, I haven't forgotten about you

So I'm sure many of you have been wondering if I even breathe anymore, as this blog seems to have just up and died a little while ago...minus the last post of lyrics, and the post before that of just a link...and I haven't posted for quite a while about what I'm up to..or where I really am.
Well...I have an excuse...its a famous excuse, everyone uses it a lot, but the difference with me using it and cause its true in my case (ok fine, it could be true in yours as well). But I've been busy, and by busy I mean running-around-like-a-chicken-with-my-head-cut-off, kind of busy. Well...perhaps not to that extreme, but I have been running around.
I've been in Chicago for the last 6 weeks and today is my last day, I leave around 5pm today for the airport to fly the heck out of this country and all the way down to Chile!
Can you see my excitement just oozing off of this page?? Well if you can't...or you don't get the feeling that it is, then your wrong! Cause I'm so psyched to go, and it will be such an awesome experience, I'm jumping up and down for joy inside!
Its kinda weird, because up until a certain point I kinda felt like it wouldn't really was too good to be true, kinda where 'I won't believe it till I see it, or experience it' type of feeling. I kinda was in a daze about this whole entire if you asked me, I would say, 'I'm pretty sure I'm going to Chile', or 'I might be going to Chile'. I don't think I even gave a definite answer for a while there...because I didn't really believe that it would happen myself.
But here I am now, all packed and ready to go, and I'm going to be arriving in Chile tomorrow morning and so ecstatic!
So before I go now, here are some recent pictures that I've taken and also posted a few of on my devart page here which I'll leave for you to pick apart with criticism while I'm traveling.