Friday, October 13

Why Me?

I was sitting all happily on my computer, chatting away with a few friends of mine, when Danny (a manager in the home) comes in the room, and graciously informs me that my breakfast day has changed from the usual Sunday, to tomorrow this week, as there's no one else to do it. But since I'm doing it tomorrow I won't have to be doing it on Sunday (what a relief.)
So I'm fine with that, and turn back to resume my chatting, when he tells me that I have to make french toast for breakfast, with orange sauce...
Great, I think, I already really dislike getting up in the morning to make breakfast and I get something hard to do.
I let out a resigned sigh, and he asks if I know how to make orange sauce.
I tell him no, and he then asks if I know how to make lemon sauce and its just like that, just with oranges instead. And once again I let him know that, no, I do not know how to make lemon or orange sauce.
He tells me to ask Kim about it and leaves the room.

So Kim comes in later saying that Danny had asked her to tell me how to make the sauce, and then explains how to make the orange sauce and what to do. I thank her, and she leaves.

11pm comes around and I find and borrow an alarm clock from someone in the home so I can get up on time to make breakfast. I successfully set the alarm clock and hope that I'll be able to get up in the morning, and then I retire.

BRrrrring, rrrring

I slam my hand down on the alarm clock, hoping that that will do the trick in turning it off, it didn't work, the second try did the trick, and I roll over to go back to sleep for a few more minutes.
I wake up 15 minutes later, and look at the clock, seeing that its just 15 after when it was supposed to go off, I stumble out of bed and struggle to get my clothes on, and stumble downstairs to the already lighted kitchen.
My eyes shut automatically when faced with such a bright light, I struggle to open them again, they start hurting so I stand there for a few minutes until I can squint successfully without my eyes giving me pains at such a bright light so early in the morning.
I look at the dining room clock, I have 45 minutes before I have to wake everyone up.
andI start cracking eggs in a bowl and then make some milk for the mixture, put cinnimon in and mix it all up. I get out the pans, and put them on the stove, grab the bread for the french toast, I'm finally just starting to get awake, when suddenly...

I realize the actual time

Its not 6:15 as I had thought it was.
For some reason the clock looked like it said the right time when I got up, but must have been my groggy eyes playing tricks on me.
It was in actuality 3:15 when I stumbled downstairs to make breakfast, and thus was the reason for the light being so terribly bright to my eyes.
With this new revelation, and just checking the clock once more to make sure that my mind isn't playing tricks on me this time, I head back to bed, and reset my clock for 6, and fall blissfully back to sleep.


The door bursts open and Kim comes in the room, saying that is 7:15 and asking me if I was going to do reveille and make breakfast.
I'm awake in a second, just realizing that the alarm didn't go off. I explain myself to Kim and she goes off to wake some people up, while I repeat the procedure in getting myself ready for the day, while trying to figure out why the alarm clock decided to fail me this time, when it had worked so wonderfully earlier that morning.
Then once again I'm struck with the factor that I didn't pull the nobby thing on the top up, and thus is the reason it didn't go off.

I stumble downstairs once again, thinking to myself..."Why me? Of all the people it could have happened to....why did it have to happen to me?"


Anonymous said...

Heh. Heh. Heh. Yea...been there, done that. Did that this morning actually...thankfully if you're on breakfast in the morning, you only have to make it for the kids, so I sat them down with a video (responsible parent and CC workers, please don't hate me for was an emergency!) and made breakfast while their little eyes were glued to the TV screen...

In other news today, I ran seven miles yesterday. :D Heh. Heh. Heh. Feeling pretty good about that right now. Feeling pretty dead right now. Maybe that's why I had a hard time getting up this morning...

Anonymous said...

It happens. I had to be out of the house at 6am this morning. I woke up every 22 minutes since 3am as I was so scared of missing the alarm...

thankfully I made it out OK with enough time to pick up a VENTI from Starbucks.

Anonymous said...

Yup yup. Definately a been there, done that. I have had that happen to me so many times I've lost count.

Anonymous said...

that has happened with me a couple times and a few times it was bad timing.

Anonymous said...

This was interesting to read, I read the whole thing (unlike me). Have this happen to me all the time, in fact almost every time I'm on breakfast, so don't feel bad. But luckily all I have to do to compensate is make green scrambled eggs and not French Toast and orange sauce. Good grief!!

Anonymous said...

yeh, thats an scrambled eggs, i think i'll try that the next time i get up late to make b'fast. heh