Tuesday, June 27

It's HUGE!

I have a new word


go look it up in the dictionary


Anonymous said...

Lani, you foolish girl. Bromdinag is the island where Gulliver goes with all of the giants! I didn't look up the definition that you posted (too lazy, sorry) but logic would tell me that the word you posted means "a resident of the spoken of city". .... maybe? heh

Anonymous said...

uh, sorry doll, but that is actually a word, not a place, and "a resident of the spoken city" is not the meaning of it. You'll have to get off your hiney and look it up if you want to know what it means.

don't correct me unless your SURE your right

Anonymous said...

uh she is right,
it is a person from the country of Brobdingnag, or sumthing just as ridiculously huge

Anonymous said...

ok well when I saw it in the dictionary all I saw was this part

Brob‧ding‧nag‧i‧an  /ˌbrɒbdɪŋˈnægiən/ Pronunciation[brob-ding-nag-ee-uhn]
1. of huge size; gigantic; tremendous.

I did not care to look down a bit further and see this

2. an inhabitant of Brobdingnag.
3. a being of tremendous size; giant.

so, we're both right. I only saw the first meaning