Monday, January 9

Ballooning has its moments

So maybe ballooning does have its moments where you just have to laugh at people because of the way they act. The questions they ask, etc.
It cracks me up every time someone asks me if I made the balloons on my stand or not, and even more when I'm standing there making one! The lack of intelligence people show sometimes amazes me, and brightens up my day, proving me to that I'm not that stupid afterall.
This last friday while ballooning at Joe's Crab Shack, I had the hilarious privilige of observing a kid have a conversation with himself. Not only was it a conversation, but it was a heated argument, debate, whatever you'd like to call it. Here I am, trying to pass they time with watching some kind of sports on the Tele and this kid is there arguing with himself. At first I thought he was talking to me, because he was looking straight at me, but no...he was really talking to himself. I heard the word "chicken" come out of his mouth quite a few times, then came to the conclusion that he was calling himself names.
Then, me being me, and didn't want to be rude and stare I turned back to face the TV to see what was on now. The kid still kept yabbering on, arguing with his multi-personalities about squinting. I'd glance over, every now and then, just to make sure that he hadn't tried to invite me into the conversation at all, he hadn't, he was too caught up in his argument with himself to realize that there was anyone else around. I had to stifle the irrepressible urge to burst out in hysterical laughter so many times, the kids was on something, I swear, either that or he just didn't have any friends so decided to make up a few of his own.
A bit later, I glance over and his mother is playing around with the airplane that I made for her skitzo kid and teasing him. She notices that I'm looking her way and tells me "The reason you have kids is to get on their nerves, not so that they can get on yours, remember that. If I never give you another piece of advice, just remember that." Ok, sounds like good advice, I should remember that, get on the kids nerves rather than them getting on mine. But I'm not planning on having kids, so I'll just have to suffice with getting on the nerves of the kids I take care of.
Ok, I'm bored now, signing out


Anonymous said...

Oh my God.

No wonder the kid has mental problems. If my mom dedicated my childhood to getting on my nerves, I'd have mental problems as well!

Whatever! You have mental problems anyway.

Shut up! I so don't!

Don't you talk to me like that. I'll slap you!

ExCUSE me?? Come here, come here. I'll bring you down!

Oh no you don't, I'm a mean one. I'll pull your hair out.

Bite me, be-yatch!

Hey now, hey now!

.......what? What are you staring at? Do you mind? I'm just having a small argument with my significant other. Nothing wrong with that.


Did you see the way she looked at you? You should slap her...

Anonymous said...

hrm...I always knew that there was something strange going on with you. I'm just glad you never introduced your multi-personalities to me, cause otherwise I'd never feel secure with talking to you, not knowing if I'm talking to my dearest sister Boo, or one of her other personalities...

your insane