Friday, May 26


So I decided not to post the rest of my boring experiences of that week..because I wouldn't want to read them if I were you. That and the fact that I'm too lazy to type them out, as someone told me that post was just too long and detailed. Which it isn't really, and definately not too detailed.
I'll just say the rest of that week went by without a hitch, and I got to see my adorable nephews in Morelia, and I'm happy to be in this new home. An experience, but its kewl nonetheless.

Anyhow, yesterday Susy and I baked a cake, chocolate cake. And we didn't have an icing for it, so we cut it in half, and put homemade strawberry jam in the inside. And then put it back together. But then we didn't have anything to top it with. So we improvised. Thats right, we boiled butter and sugar in a little pot together..then added a bit of cocoa..stirred that in and let it simmer a bit more...till it got to the 'right' consistency...heh...tar. We successfully coated two spoons in the stuff before realizing that it wouldn't work. So then, we added milk and water...not to mention a little rum. It fizzled, it bubbled, it burned. And it ended up tasting really strongly of cocoa and I think had a little burnt taste...but everyone seemed to like it. Then after finding that it wasn't tar any longer, we topped the cake in it. It dribbled down the sides, then we put strawberry's on top as well. It looked yummy. I'd post a picture of we who made it, but sadly the other cook ran when I took out the camera, so all I got a picture of was the cake. Enjoy, it looks sloppy, but it turned out good.


Anonymous said...

wow.. thee uhh... cake looks.. oh so beautiful.. I shall try not to show it to charity.. sorry.. seriously no offense.. but it looks horrible.. good thing I'm not the baker in the family.. I swear she would laugh.. LOL!!! I'm sure it tasted great nontheless... except u didn't think it tasted good... hmmmmmm!! tehehe!!

Anonymous said...

u did that with sue?, yeah it's typical of her to end making some invented recipie with whatever she finds, it goes along well with her personality :p,glad to know she found a twin soul! i wish i had been there to see it :D give a big hug to her from me please, we miss her over here..... :(

Anonymous said...

yeh, me and susy made it, it turned out really good though, everything complimented everything else really well. it was yummy

Anonymous said...

That cake is ugly.