Monday, January 30


What a way to spend free day, in bed sick with a cold and an ear ache. So sad. If I was well I'd be hanging out with people up north that I haven't seen in ages. But no, I had to get sick after coming back from our trip to Port Isabel and Matamoros. So dreadfully horrid.
It was fun though, got to see people I hadn't seen in a while, while down in Harlington. Got to hear the band jam and hear a new song of Buckles. That was groovy. And we spent thursday at the was cold. Thats probably where I got sick from, but it was still fun. We walked down the beach a long ways, filmed Mike tumbling down the sand dunes, and mooned passing cars.
Besides that..I haven't been doing very much. Besides fundraising, and getting sick, so life is boring as of late.

Mythos signing out

Sunday, January 15

Carnivores and Potatoes

I just realized a while ago, that I have an immense like for meat. Its like its an incessant craving when its around, especially when it is beef or chicken. The other night I went to Golden Coral with my parents and I had not one, but two good steaks. I just don't get fed beef enough at home, I had to stuff myself with it while out. On top of that I had bourbon chicken, plus potatoes.
Potatoes is another like of mine, mashed, wedges, or french fries, all good to me. I gotta have them.
I just realized...that I'm posting about food likes, isn't that just so lame? Blame it on the sugar high I have from eating a piece of ice cream cake.

mythos signing out before she comes up with other lame subjects to blog about

Wednesday, January 11

Reminiscing on the past

So I'm going through old pictures that my mom asked me to go through, pictures of us ballooning when I was 10, when I was 12 etc. Pictures of C'mas shows that we did years ago, and they all bring back such good memories (of course there are a few bad ones mixed in, but I prefer to dwell on happy times).
Isn't it odd that you usually remember only the best times, I don't speak for everybody, cause we all do remember some pretty bad times in our lives, but when you look back on it, it doesn't seem so bad after all and you find that you can laugh about that stupid thing that really pissed you off at that time.
Anyhow, so I'm going through these pictures, and I remember so many times where life seemed so much simpler. Of course, I hadn't really been introduced to the world yet, so maybe that hadn't clouded my viewpoint then. But, still nonetheless, life seemed so much easier. No screaming children--besides the ones I ran into while out ballooning--lots of smiles, laughter, and best of all, I still remember them.
Its amazing how your memory is triggered when you look at pictures. You remember what you were feeling at the time that picture was taken. Remember some of the events of that day. And you remember, that because of all those annoying c'mas shows you did, you probably were made famous in some kids mind for a brief while of time.
Another thing that gets me when I look at pictures is how much people have changed throughout your life. Their personality, their tastes, their looks and sometimes I'm tempted to believe that we really do improve with time...but then I remember that once you hit 40 then things just seem to fall apart, or just plain fall (such as breasts).
When I look back to when these pictures were taken during my life, I actually miss it, miss those times of happiness. The closeness I had with my friends, even though they did get on my nerves sometimes. But I think about it, and I really miss it. I was told so many times that I'd look back on that time in my life and see that it was a blessing, I didn't believe it at the time, but now I do. I see my life now, how much harder it has become to live and make it through each day, and I look back then, and I wish things could be like that again.
Of course, probably after a day or two of reliving life back then, I'd want things back up to date again, you can't live in the past forever, the future has to be formed as well, and dwelling on the past won't help you make it in the now.
I guess the reason my reminiscence is because I'm faced with so many choices right now, and am just afraid to choose. But of course there comes a time in life where you have to make your own decisions (with the Lords help of course) and you can't depend on someone else to make them for you anymore. Yeh, I know its called growing up...I just miss the simplicity of earlier years in my life.
Mythos signing out

Monday, January 9

Ballooning has its moments

So maybe ballooning does have its moments where you just have to laugh at people because of the way they act. The questions they ask, etc.
It cracks me up every time someone asks me if I made the balloons on my stand or not, and even more when I'm standing there making one! The lack of intelligence people show sometimes amazes me, and brightens up my day, proving me to that I'm not that stupid afterall.
This last friday while ballooning at Joe's Crab Shack, I had the hilarious privilige of observing a kid have a conversation with himself. Not only was it a conversation, but it was a heated argument, debate, whatever you'd like to call it. Here I am, trying to pass they time with watching some kind of sports on the Tele and this kid is there arguing with himself. At first I thought he was talking to me, because he was looking straight at me, but no...he was really talking to himself. I heard the word "chicken" come out of his mouth quite a few times, then came to the conclusion that he was calling himself names.
Then, me being me, and didn't want to be rude and stare I turned back to face the TV to see what was on now. The kid still kept yabbering on, arguing with his multi-personalities about squinting. I'd glance over, every now and then, just to make sure that he hadn't tried to invite me into the conversation at all, he hadn't, he was too caught up in his argument with himself to realize that there was anyone else around. I had to stifle the irrepressible urge to burst out in hysterical laughter so many times, the kids was on something, I swear, either that or he just didn't have any friends so decided to make up a few of his own.
A bit later, I glance over and his mother is playing around with the airplane that I made for her skitzo kid and teasing him. She notices that I'm looking her way and tells me "The reason you have kids is to get on their nerves, not so that they can get on yours, remember that. If I never give you another piece of advice, just remember that." Ok, sounds like good advice, I should remember that, get on the kids nerves rather than them getting on mine. But I'm not planning on having kids, so I'll just have to suffice with getting on the nerves of the kids I take care of.
Ok, I'm bored now, signing out

Thursday, January 5

happy times

ok, so I just got back from Mexico today, took a full 24 hours drive to get back here. I didn't sleep at all last night, not due to insomnia but due to watching Dark Angel Series 2 all night long. Worldy, yes I know, but there was nothing else to do, it was either that, or sleep in a very cramped position to which I'd wake up all grumpy like. The trip down was bad enough, but memorable. I finally fell asleep at the border, but then was awakened 20 minutes later to have breakfast, slept most of the way up to Austin, then got a cappuciono and sleep was squelched by that and Sun chips, my all time favorite chips in the whole world.
I partied in Mex city for New Years, was pretty groovy, didn't know even half the people there but still had fun. I hung around people I did know, sat in a corner, talked to people I didn't know, made new friends, played a crazy game where you try to pop a balloon thats stuck out of someones back pocket with your teeth, I lost. Danced and laughed. I had fun. It was a pretty groovy party.
Anyhow, all that is over, and just memories in my mind to which only I am amused by it all. But I'm home, had a great time, miss all the people I met, and I miss Mexico.
It grows on you after a while, my first impression was that is was an ok place, but then after spending two weeks there, anc coming back to the states, I actually liked it. It was a pretty awesome place to be, and I miss it.
This is a drawing I did of my adorable nephew Alex while I was down there, had some time on my hands so pulled up a picture that was taken and drew it, I gave the original to my sister-in-law, so all I have is a digital photo of it, but its all good.
mythos signing out