Tuesday, February 28

look at me I'm invisible

I have been informed, that people don't know how to post comments on my blog, well...I'm not going to explain it. Cause that would just make me look desperate for comments, and I'm not...really I'm not......fine you caught me. I love comments, I really do, but I'm not going to post how you reply to my posts, cause you'll just have to figure it out like I said above.
Anyways, among other things, I have been sunburnt. Dreadfully horrid I know, but its what I get for not putting sunscreen on, on a terribly beautiful day, where you wouldn't really think about getting burnt (that is of course, unless you were canning of course) But silly me, I never think of these things and now I am burnt.
It feels weird, I crinkle my nose and it stings and feels like my skin is being pulled dangerously tight to where its about to rip. I get strange feelings that it could if I keep on trying to wrinkle my nose, but I won't, because it also has an annoying feeling to it. My face feels hot, probably because of the fact that it was cooking in the sun all day yesterday, and its still cooling off.
Anyways, isn't it great being woken up in the morning? Isn't it the most grandest thing when someone beats on the underside of your bed to wake you up? Isn't it so terrible when you wake up in a bad mood because of it? That happened to me, but I shall refrain from using names, and just say that I'm happy now, and have almost forgotten the incident and hope that it doesn't happen again, because worse things will happen than me just simply getting out of bed and growling.
Now that thats over with, on to other things.
I am going to be called, in about 54 seconds to go take the kids, I can just feel it. I cringe, waiting for the inevitable....
I must go

mythos signing out


Anonymous said...

ok, following your directions, i found out how to post them :P i'm so sorry i didn't see how to before, i'm used to the format where that option is at the end of the post, and not at the beginning, but anyway, here i am, on my way to make you happy for having written a comment :P i hope i succeed at that :D.
i'm really sorry to hear that you got sunburnt.... next time don't forget to wear a cap :D it helps a lot, but anyway, i'll be praying for it... i've had the same feeling... and gone almost through the same...
oh, and i hope that today they wake you up in a good way :D.
ILY! i'll post some replies to your posts more often...
big hug to you from Santi.

PSD: i'll be in Mexico by May :D when are you going?

Anonymous said...

You know we love you Lani!! yeah, sorry about the burn... I know it sucks. Remember when I got that huge sunburn on my ass in the shape of my little boy shorts with the eye? Now that hurt. But PTL for canning... amen?

Anonymous said...

heh, how could I forget that Shelly, that was hilarious, I don't think that anyone of us every forgot that. I can imagine it did hurt..it was redder than a lobster.

and Santi, I have no clue when I'll be in Mexico but hopefully before May