Tuesday, February 28

look at me I'm invisible

I have been informed, that people don't know how to post comments on my blog, well...I'm not going to explain it. Cause that would just make me look desperate for comments, and I'm not...really I'm not......fine you caught me. I love comments, I really do, but I'm not going to post how you reply to my posts, cause you'll just have to figure it out like I said above.
Anyways, among other things, I have been sunburnt. Dreadfully horrid I know, but its what I get for not putting sunscreen on, on a terribly beautiful day, where you wouldn't really think about getting burnt (that is of course, unless you were canning of course) But silly me, I never think of these things and now I am burnt.
It feels weird, I crinkle my nose and it stings and feels like my skin is being pulled dangerously tight to where its about to rip. I get strange feelings that it could if I keep on trying to wrinkle my nose, but I won't, because it also has an annoying feeling to it. My face feels hot, probably because of the fact that it was cooking in the sun all day yesterday, and its still cooling off.
Anyways, isn't it great being woken up in the morning? Isn't it the most grandest thing when someone beats on the underside of your bed to wake you up? Isn't it so terrible when you wake up in a bad mood because of it? That happened to me, but I shall refrain from using names, and just say that I'm happy now, and have almost forgotten the incident and hope that it doesn't happen again, because worse things will happen than me just simply getting out of bed and growling.
Now that thats over with, on to other things.
I am going to be called, in about 54 seconds to go take the kids, I can just feel it. I cringe, waiting for the inevitable....
I must go

mythos signing out

Thursday, February 23


I have been neglecting my blog.
Because, first of all, I don't have time to post.
And second, because I don't have a computer to use to update regularly.
Explanation enough for all you phantom readers?
I have realized as well, that since I haven't been proclaiming my blog to the world, then I don't get replies to my posts as well, which saddens me.
Maybe its just my pride screaming out, "LOOK AT ME, I'M HERE TOO! ALL FOCUS ON ME!!" But then again, I don't really think so.
My life, has been normal, kids, cooking, cleaning, and most of all ballooning.
I have realized that, I don't have that much of a life to speak of, and the things that happen to me are inconsequential. So I'll refrain from posting about them, unless they are really outstanding.
I also realize that having a blog is a complete waste of time, but everyone loves timewasters don't they?
That is why we have things like Xbox and television. To waste our precious time.
And I have no idea why I even post on here, or consider changing the backround of my blog, cause I'm tired of looking at it. But that doesn't really matter

Mythos signing out

Wednesday, February 1


What if we all had powers like healing, telepathy, and flying, imagine the contests that we would have. The things that we could do. The places we could go, and the things we'd see.
I've always thought it would be kewl to be psychic or have powers like telepathy, and telekenesis. But sadly such powers are only mythical, and do not exist in the real world.
I used to entertain the idea that I was psychic, sometimes I still do when I have moments where I knew exactly what someone was going to say, or how they were going to react to something that happened, but such times are rare. There have been times where I've seen what was going to happen in less than a minute or so, like this time I was standing on the porch of our little double wide (yeh yeh I know, a shame to live in such a thing) enjoying the wind storm, partaking in the wild beauty it was putting forth, and then in my minds eye I saw a tree branch breaking off of a tree not 30 feet away and falling into the exact spot I was standing. Me being the cautious person that I am jumped back a few feet to be sure, and to my surprise the exact thing happened that I saw not a moment before. I was, to say, amazed.
So personally, I do think we all possess such powers as psychic abilities once in a while, but they are for our own good withheld from us on a daily basis.
Things would be too easy if we could just pick something up with our mind, or fly to some faraway place at a whim, or could just read peoples thoughts, not to mention a bit crazy. Healing powers would be nice to possess but the same with that, if we could heal, then we wouldn't have to depend on God so much, and I think for that reason he probably decided not to give us such capabilities. We probably would have by now proclaimed our own selves gods and wouldn't even give him a second thought. To which I'm sure he wouldn't be too happy with.
So I suppose, that it is good in a way that we don't possess such powers. Though it would be nice to be psychic or fly.

Mythos signing out