Friday, February 2

It was good

Well, feastings over, it ended last night.

It was relaxing, I'll say that much, very relaxing and I enjoyed it very much, I didn't get a chance to read everything there was, but what I read was very inspiring. I will be working on the other letters slowly but surely just to make sure I get the most out of them.

The theme of the ending of the feast night 'party' for the girls of the home here was 'crazy/ugly', and the adults it was 'hippie', I don't think there was a theme for the guys... It turned out to be very interesting, very bottle breaking. I had a lot of fun. For drinks we had Margaritas and Pina Coladas, I prefer the margaritas, I'm not so into the coconut taste in the pina coladas. Anyhow, it was fun, for the most part. I had a great time laughing, I don't know about anybody else though. heh...I'll post some pics as soon as I get my hands on them...if thats ever going to happen.

On another note, today I spent the whole day out busking with the people here. Seeing as I had no chance to practice the songs, and didn't know hardly any of the dances to them, I thoroughly embarrassed myself.
I must say it was fun though. I had a good laugh, everyone else had a good laugh and we all got along.
I sold 3 cds all by my little lonesome...ok I had help from the heavenlys, but yeh, I don't speak so much spanish, so that was a feat in itself.
I'm proud of myself, now don't go tearing me down with saying how many cds you can get out, when you speak more spanish than I do.

Ok, I'll be quiet, I'm obviously talking to myself here.

Anyhow, I have no idea what I'm going to be doing tomorrow, but it holds promise for something interesting, I can tell you that much, cause its the Corazones home.

Note to self:
Buy popcorn or some kinda munchies, so I can sit back and enjoy the soap opera that is called 'Life in the Corazones Home'.
(Its really not that bad, I just dubbed it that today, cause I'm so used to living in home with not as many young people and everything.)


Anonymous said...

So glad you're doing good Lani! Where are you now anyway? You're in my prayers. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I'm still in Mex, visiting a home here until the home I'm going to be moving to gets back from their vacations in Cancun.
I saw the posts on your guys' traveling blog, looks like you had a lot of fun.
Miss you tons girl!
get online or write me sometime, I haven't heard from you in ages.