Friday, September 28

Cosas differentes

So I've undertaken a task....a daunting task, but something while I'm determined to finish.

I am going to read a book in Spanish.

Yes, in Spanish.
I've decided that its necessary, for my learning as well as reading comprehension in Spanish to do so. It not easy, believe me, I just finished translating and learning about twenty or so words, and that was only in one paragraph.
Quite sad...I know, but seeing as there were so many words I didn't know in just one paragraph, I'm sure it will help me to learn them. Now using them in everyday speech...thats another matter.

Besides that, I had an exchange class with a friend from another home with Spanish the other day, with her basically correcting all of my mistakes when I said something wrong, and me correcting hers when she said something wrong in English. We understood each other for the most part.

In the book I've started reading, I especially loved this part.

'Revolcarse en el fango no es la mejor manera de limpiarse.'

It sounds so much better than just saying it in English.

I believe I will enjoy reading this llama 'Un Mundo Feliz'


... said...

I understand exactly what you're going through. I am feeling a real need of bonding my brain with Russian. The other day I was thinking about a musical I saw years ago "The Three Musketeers" in Russian. I need to find it and watch it. I tried once reading "Streams in the desert" in Russian but didn't get past January 2nd. Good luck on your Spanish adventure. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I think that is a great way to learn a language. I did that many years ago when I first went to Norway and it helped me tremendeously in learning that language.
love u,

Ali said...

All power to you- you brave- lov u -Ali