All things work together for good...
So I have a home to go to for be honest they're starting tonight, but I'll be there in the morning so thats better than nothing.
I have to get up at 4am, be ready to be out the door when the taxi comes to pick me up and I have a bus that leaves at 5:30am so I can get there at 9:30am.
Ok, so I was supposed to be there around 9am...but things don't always work out the way we want them to. I'll be there when I get there.
Pray for me, as yeh, I'm a horrible morning person and I don't know how I'll do waking up that early. Hopefully I'll be able to get a cup of coffee to wake me up and be all chipper and bright when the taximan comes to give me a ride to the bus station.
So yes...that will be my adventure.
Not much excitement to it though....
On a different note, here are those pics I said I'd be putting up a while back...Parasailing, or whatever you want to call it.
Me looking all funky with my hair frizzing out everywhere
Horseback riding, what fun!
Mel looking lovely as usual
Well, thats all for now folks...
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