Do I Care?
I haven't updated much someone reminded me, but do I really care?
I've been having weird dreams lately, things which I'm hoping will not come true...but weirdly enough dreams have a way of foretelling the future sometimes, but will I disclose what these dreams were about to you?
I haven't really wanted to update this blog much recently, a lot has been happening, yes, not everything is interesting, no, but when something interesting does happen, I just don't feel the need to post about it.
I've got tons of pictures to go through, a lot of which I'm posting to my new photoblog, but not many are of me, as I'm the one behind the camera. I will post here though, so you guys can see me, to know that I haven't fallen off the ends of the earth....yet.
I've been very happy these last couple of months, of course I had quite a few breakdowns, but we won't get into those, and just dwell on the times that I've been happy, which have far outweighed the times that I haven't been happy.I finished a painting for our living/dining room quite a while ago, which my dear sister posted a picture of on her blog, so I don't have to, my first large painting, and someday I'm going to sell it.
I've been drawing a bit more, but not all the time, experimenting on a larger piece of paper, I don't know what the finished product will look like, hopefully I will be satisfied with it. I'm going to mix media.
I've written a few poems/prose, something which I haven't done in a long time, the inspirations for them are sporadic and usually left unfinished. And I've no intention of finishing any of them, unless the full inspiration comes for it.
I am a lazy bum...unless pushed off my little bum by some incentive or someone pointing out to me the fact that I am one. I must learn to motivate myself and become more personally responsible.
I miss my old friends, but I've learned to make new ones. Things will never be the same for any of us, but I'm sure everything will just get better.
Lani... I think you should dye your hair black. It'd be nice... mucho sexy reeeeeow
well now that I've chopped it all off...I'll give it some thought, but no promises
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