Happenings in My Life
So I got up this morning, bright and early and actually went to the gym to work out. I only did this because there was a driver to take me there, and almost everyone else in the home was going...plus My Love has been telling me I need to get up in the morning to work out, as its better for me.
But man, I've been tired the whole day, perhaps I didn't get to bed early enough as I got up at 5:30 this morning rather than the regular 7am reveille. It was a good work out and definately worth it. I think I worked out every part of my legs and ass that I could possibly work out...I don't feel any pain yet though, but who knows when that will kick in, probably tomorrow morning.
Anyhow, we had half prayer day when we got back from the gym, it was nice, very relaxing, very inspiring.
Something else that happened today, was that I was able to hold a broken conversation with a member of my home in spanish today...a breakthrough! haha, it was interesting, I had to ask him what this or that word was in spanish for almost every sentence I made, and a lot of times he would get stumped and I either had to do hand motions, or wrack my brain for another way in which to explain to him the word I wanted translated into spanish was. I must admit though, it was fun, and I didn't realize I knew all that I did till I started actually trying to speak in spanish (yes, I have been trying before, just it didn't flow that well, plus I'm just too shy to just step out and try to speak all the time, or maybe its just my pride getting in the way).
Among other things, I've started learning piano once again, learning to read music and all that. Its been quite fun, and I only started a little over a week ago and I've already almost learned Canon in D completely, there still are some parts that I mess up on, but I'm getting the hang of it. Now just to find more songs to learn on the piano, if anyone reading this blog has any sheet music then please drop me a line in the comment section, because I'm getting kinda desperate for some variety already, heh.
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