Saturday, December 3

the days of ballooning

I've decided that my baby blog, has started out really boring.
But I do have a good excuse for it, my life hasn't been that exciting as of late.
but enough of that. I shall talk about my day ballooning
It was a pretty normal ballooning day, complete with an annoying manager that always threatens to throw me out with the trash (no, he's not that kind to me.)
He even got Livi going on about it, encouraging him and the like (and she was supposed to be on my side) sniffle, whatever happened to girls sticking together against the guys, nobody loves me
I had to defend my own honor, against 3 people (he got another manager of the place to go along with it as well) and I did a hell of a job at it, I'm not that used to defending my right to living amongst normal people and not with peoples stinking leftover rotting lunches.
But in the end they gave up, and left me alone, just like they always do when I stand my ground and dare them to take one step towards throwing me in the dumpster. (can't you just see me doing that?)
Anyhow, after that the day went pretty well, made a lot of balloons for screaming children, and annoying adults. I got dead tired at around 6pm but then had to keep on dishing out the balloons, for the demands were plenteous but the laborers were few.
And so since the rest of the day went on pretty normally, I shall end this and not bug you further

myth signs out

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