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I changed my photoblog over to
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feel free to leave comments because I love getting them :D
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11:45 am
Labels: links, photo, photography
To all those who read this blog, this is a request for prayer.
I´ll be travelling for the next 2 days about, and would like to ask for safety, against any problems with my luggage (e.g. overweight, damage, loss, etc.) And that I get back to Chile in one piece.
Love you all uber much, and tks so much for your prayers.
Posted by
12:03 am
Labels: happenings, prayer, travel
There is one thing that I've grown to dislike about traveling...well a few things actually but I'll only mention the one here for now.
It's the waiting
Yes, the know, when its the day that you're leaving and your just waiting around to leave because there's not much else to do.
Or there's the waiting on someone to drive you to the airport.
And the wandering, wandering around because you have absolutely nothing to do, and everyone else is blissfully happy immersed in their jobs for the day and you have absolutely no idea what to do except offer your help, and hope that they don't give you a job that will interfere with your waiting and not make you late.
But then, while you've volunteered yourself for some kind of job, a million thoughts run through your head about so many other things that you had to do, that you suddenly remembered, and are trying your hardest not to forget.
Though, doing something, is almost always better than the dreaded waiting...
It's not that you're waiting happily to leave, just that you know the time is going to be upon you soon that you will have to leave, thus the reason for all the waiting.
Once your finally on that bus, or plane, or train, or whatever, the waiting stops....or so you think
It actually starts another cycle...the waiting to get to your destination, the dependence you have on so many other people to get you there, and the total helpless feeling that if they don't get you there then you will have to wait around for someone else that will.
Of for a pair of wings, that I wouldn't have to wait so much, or the capability of teleportation so I wouldn't have to 'wait' in lines.
Posted by
10:35 am
1 blabbers
Labels: ponderings, travel