Friday, September 28

Cosas differentes

So I've undertaken a task....a daunting task, but something while I'm determined to finish.

I am going to read a book in Spanish.

Yes, in Spanish.
I've decided that its necessary, for my learning as well as reading comprehension in Spanish to do so. It not easy, believe me, I just finished translating and learning about twenty or so words, and that was only in one paragraph.
Quite sad...I know, but seeing as there were so many words I didn't know in just one paragraph, I'm sure it will help me to learn them. Now using them in everyday speech...thats another matter.

Besides that, I had an exchange class with a friend from another home with Spanish the other day, with her basically correcting all of my mistakes when I said something wrong, and me correcting hers when she said something wrong in English. We understood each other for the most part.

In the book I've started reading, I especially loved this part.

'Revolcarse en el fango no es la mejor manera de limpiarse.'

It sounds so much better than just saying it in English.

I believe I will enjoy reading this llama 'Un Mundo Feliz'

Monday, September 17

Just Hold onto Me

Someone hold me…
Just hold me
No need for words
No questions why
Just hold me
Don’t let go
Until I feel the need to cry
Has vanished
And is no more

If I start to speak
Don’t say a word
Let me express everything
I’ve been holding in for so long
Let me pour it all out
It won’t happen again for a while
Hopefully not this bad
Perhaps I held too much in this time
And the bottle got too heavy to hold
So it fell and cracked open

Just hold me
Don’t let me go
No need for words
No questions why
Just hold me
Don’t let me go
Until I feel the need to cry
Has vanished
And is no more

Can you just listen
Not say anything at all
Caress my head, my arms, my back
And just hold on to me
I need someone to grasp onto
Someone to be here, to love me
Can you do that for me?
You have no idea how much
I need this right now
How much I need to weep

Just hold me
Don’t let me go
No need for words
No questions why
Just hold me
Don’t let me go
Until I feel the need to cry
Has vanished
And is no more

Sunday, September 16

I need

you, or you, or you, or you
I miss you, come back to me

Friday, September 14

And then it hit me...

It’s interesting when you finally come to the realization of something about yourself, no matter how many times somebody else pointed it out to you before; it always has a bigger effect when you, yourself finally realize it.

Such a happening occurred today at the lunch table. Somebody made a reference about some food that I had cooked last night and how ‘disgusting’ it was. They were joking of course, but I, lacking self confidence, had to ask what was really wrong with the food, not giving into the thought that perhaps they were just pulling my leg.

After receiving an assuring answer, only then did I feel relieved and confident that I did something well.

It was as if I needed assurance from someone else to boost my own self confidence.

Then it dawned on me…I do this on a regular basis.

I automatically get in a questioning mode after I’ve completed something, and need assurance and something in which to base myself on to be able to get my confidence back up to par.

In lacking confidence in myself, and having to go to others for reassurance, I show that I’m very insecure in myself.

I lack the self assurance to ‘not give a damn’ about what everybody else thinks. What other people think matters a lot to me, and if someone says something and it doesn’t sit well with me, I’m the type of person that will mull it over, trying to figure out what they could have possibly meant by it, and if it had multiple meanings.

Of course, most of the time people don’t notice this, and so think I’m just the quiet type that just sits in the corner, but usually the reason I’m quiet is because I’m thinking very seriously about what is going on, or why something was said.

But back to my lack of confidence, which really leads up to a lack of acceptance.

I want to be accepted, I feel a ‘need’ to be accepted and pursue any possibility of reassurance I can get that I am in fact accepted.

This could be tracked down to my childhood and early teen years, where I was the outcast. Sure, the people I grew up with and spent all those years with may tend to disagree, but they never saw it from my viewpoint.

It always seemed that I had to work harder, be more than I was in order to be accepted into their little ‘groups’. But I would always make a fool out of myself and expose who I really was to everyone in the end, and I was back at square one, fighting and scrounging for acceptance once again. It was a never ending process, and in some ways, I revert to that over and over again, willing to do almost anything if it means acceptance.

But I think the real problem is not that I was always seeking acceptance from other people, but that I couldn’t accept myself. I compared myself to others constantly and I just couldn’t accept myself for the way I was and get over it.

I always had to try to be like this, or like that, or force myself into someone else’s mold, where I didn’t fit, and I never really allowed myself to discover who I really was.

I never accepted myself, and in not accepting myself, I sought acceptance from others, which tore apart any self confidence I held, which I always had to glean from other people in the end.

I lacked the courage to accept the person I was, to be confident in myself and be able to stand up to any challenges I faced. I would balk and cower if it meant I had to do something in which would require courage and self confidence, even if it was something which I was talented at. I’d feel a ‘need’ to hear someone say that the job I did was ‘well done’, and feel satisfied with myself only after hearing those words.

I couldn’t stand the thought of failing, or making a mistake and then being corrected for it, as then it would mean that I wasn’t ‘good enough’.

I analyzed myself over and over again, criticized myself if I wasn’t doing something right, feeling that I could do it better, but needing reassurance from someone else to give me their opinion as well.

I just lacked acceptance in myself, lacked confidence in the things I would do, which showed I lacked the character of belief in myself and denied myself the ability to define my personality, denying myself the right to grow.

You’ve heard about those people that started working out too early or drinking coffee too early, and so it stunted their growth?

Well I was like those people, in that my personality's and character's growth were stunted. I was trying to force myself to be something I wasn’t, forcing myself into molds that left my character and personality undeveloped.

You may tend to agree, or disagree with what I've just revealed to you about myself, but what really matters to me right now is that I realized it.

And when you have a realization about yourself, then comes the realization also that you have the ability to change, and pursue growth, turning yourself into a better person and allowing you to come closer to the full potential of what you were meant to be.

Saturday, September 1

A new year...a new decade

I’ve been having a lot of thoughts on my mind recently about entering into a new decade…I probably should have started writing this when it was first crossing my mind, but knowing myself I always tend to let the ‘interesting’ things that cross my mind sit too long and then it all comes out a lot less eloquent than when it first entered my thoughts…I need to change that habit…

So I’m going to be turning the ‘big’ twenty in two days, a change for sure, its not like turning 16 or 18, it seems a bit bigger than that in a way, because I’m closing an entire decade of a chapter of my life, and to think that this hasn’t happened for ten years, and won’t happen again for another ten is a big thought. That and ten years ago I wasn’t even thinking of how big a change it was turning ten…I wasn’t looking back at how far I’ve come, weighing all of my choices, decisions, dreams on a scale and contemplating where I’ll be or what I’ll be doing in the next ten years…

Ten years ago I was more interested in the presents I would receive, who would come for my birthday party, how much fun it was going to be opening my presents and playing those silly little games you think are fun when you are ten years of age. It didn’t matter that I was coming into a new decade of my life, that I was no longer in the one digit age, but that my age had two digits in it now, I didn’t look back…I probably looked forward but didn’t think a lot about it, I didn’t wonder where I would be in ten years, or even the next year, I was content to just live each day as it passed by.

But now…it’s weird to think that this is the first decade in which I can look back, and look forward and weigh the choices and their consequences on a scale. It’s the first decade of my life in which I’m old enough to really care about all of that, and thinking that I’m already halfway to forty makes it even harder.

Things have changed a lot in the last ten years, to say the least.

I’ve moved at least seven times, been to two new countries, traveled below the equator, made a lot of new friends…and enemies, well I’m not sure if I have any, but if I do…I hope that we can come to an understanding and work tings out between us.

Some of my close friends have moved far away, had babies and gotten themselves married.

I’ve known what it feels like to lose someone you love dearly and wept about the loss, wishing that my tears would be enough to bring them back to life.

I’ve felt the distinct mark responsibility has on you, and how it feels like to be ‘on my own’. Knowing that ten years ago my decisions were made for me, and in the last four or so I’ve come to where I had to make my own decisions and not depend on anyone else to make them for me, gone through many withdrawals when I started making my own choices and made a lot of mistakes, learned a lot of lessons, and feel a lot ‘wiser’ than I did before because of them.

I’ve wept openly and felt the hurt emotions can have if you depend too much on them. I’ve thought myself to be ‘in love’ many times, but it usually turned out to just be extreme infatuation, or perhaps I’m just in denial about them…

I almost ran off and got myself married a few times…thank God I didn’t…

Been hurt, and hurt others, been sorry and been forgiven and forgave too many times to count.

So many things…in the last ten years, memories, some happy, some sad, some forgotten, some just remembered…but all there still. Everything which has come together to make me what I am today…

So here’s to this new decade, through the good or bad, through the hurt or happiness, may I look back in ten years and be content with everything that may have happened whether good or bad, seeing it as stepping stones, learning processes which continues to hopefully make me into a better person than I was before…